there are pedophilic implications between Chahut who is confirmed to be basically an adult, soon to be taken off the planet and Amisia, a literal child, these were done by the same artist. Dogfighting is a type of blood sport in which dogs are forced to fight one another for the entertainment and/or profit of spectators. In fact, you yourself just said that "Japanese highschool girl esque- outfits" are sexual. When Homestuck was going through the Trickster Arc in Act 6 Act 5 Act 2, there was a conversation between Jake and Jane just after Jane went into Trickster Mode, and just before Jake went into it. If a character uses a slur, the fault falls onto the character, not on the author (at least in my eyes). A decade in the future, long after our heroes win the game, and long after our heroes have left Homestuck itself, John is confronted with a choice: he can use his powers to return to canon, fill the plot hole, and stabilize the story, or decide to continue living his life, canon integrity he damned. Streamers have to become increasingly savvy about the need to defend personal boundaries without provoking the ire of fans. Flipping and flipping with no ending or proper resolution in sight. Small business owner, political organizer, and professional writer based in the Puget Sound area. Media analysis, fiction, and the art of writing the perfect story. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! Just don't think it's safe for your thirteen-year-old brother just 'cause the protagonist is the same age xDD. Artist and writer Andrew Hussie is a reluctant father of internet fandom. We really would be here all day if I summarized the story in earnest. Yes, but so are the men. People actually pull a bigger fit about the fact that it was retconed than they ever did over the original joke. With the source of his partial-paralysis being Vriska, he is tormented by her and others on occasion for his disability. Is it a bad joke? Rufioh, dead 19 year old hitting on aradiabot, aka aradia as a permanent dead 13 year old. Who is this detective? Web1. Like who? They're not human. I cant put them on a scale from 1 to 10 and I cant recommend anyone read them or not. Still, I think after a bit, writers that stick with it eventually realize these early influences never leave them. Point 1.5: Many of the arguments presented in the document hinge on the idea that inclusion means approval (see Point 1). WebIts likely that managers who say, bring me solutions, not problems dodge complaints and criticism to avoid time-consuming conflicts and tiresome tension. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. I honestly don't feel qualified to say. Hussie didn't make John and Karkat et al drop the r word to say anything about them, that's just a word he himself used to use, so his characters did too. A particularly long entry in a book series can get up to 200 thousand words. It's pretty long. As far as controversies contained within the fandom go, there's only one big one that I can think of. Oh I just know this one will be worth the reading. Yeah, we all have seen that one before. They eventually date in Candy, but it turns into a lopsided, unhealthy marriage and subsequent that prevents him from fully processing the fact that he is trans. All tags have a real use in the text. I didn't find many of the document's arguments compelling, but I also don't find this rebuttle compelling as it focuses very much on reacting more to the person/people writing than any points made. Okay so later John says nominally Jake is indeed not at fault for being abused but appreciate for a moment how a story about kids playing a computer got to this point. ._3wvjcIArtO7kKPJabZfZ9S{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:400;line-height:16px;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-right:24px;opacity:0;transition:opacity .1s ease-in-out}._3wvjcIArtO7kKPJabZfZ9S._1c98ixuh4QUWO9ERiFID3p{opacity:1}.RtAsN7UrR7u51W5kaOXvp{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-left:4px;margin-right:0}._1JRtpiobR4jYtbw-xx1tPO{border:1px solid var(--newRedditTheme-body);margin-left:-7px;transform:scaleX(-1)}._1JRtpiobR4jYtbw-xx1tPO:nth-child(2){margin-top:4px} The implosion of Silvergate Bank has a lot to do with the fact that it was crypto's bank of choice. I can come to my own conclusions. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. WebBut, there is still no ETA for everything to work normally again. Rather than being a swapped preference, it is a more exacting preference. That should be plenty to say on how wrong it is, with Meenah being a literal adult and this Vriska being a literal child. The music from this one little animation tells the story just as much as anything on screen does. She takes her time, narrating with a kind of dry, verbose voice. The self-ingratiating, self-referential, over-indulgent drivel that poured onto the page? It would not be possible because the investment we'd have to make would be significant and the return shaky, because there is such a burgeoning fan market for hand-made horns. I mean the priests are fucking clowns for god's sake, that's pretty fucking blatant. It seems that whatever small ways I was able to control that brand, back when I still was interested in doing so, has since become dramatically overwritten by the preposterous hallucinatory projections of a zealous fandom.. As he comes to better understand and accept himself for who he is, the homophobia fades from his vocabulary, he opens up to people, and allows more of his vulnerabilities to show though. Anyway, were left to assume Lord English is defeated, but we never see it happen and we never see how it happens. Theres even a page that compels the reader to take selfies and post them on social media. There. Hussie saying that Kanaya's lesbianism is considered a fetish in troll society isn't Hussie saying that he considers lesbianism a fetish. Many fans were already disappointed with the comics canon ending. And then John implies that its maybe Jakes fault for letting it get as bad as it did? It does not mean animosity is what is taking place here. The text itself likens her to Daredevila blind superhero, where his blindness leads to superpowers. SBaHJ is hailed as hilarious by being so INTENTIONALLY awful. The Meat author, portrayed here by Dirk, is hyper-focused on moving the plot forward. But the comic you included in the docs is dumb and makes no sense to me. What was the point of Homestuck? By the end of both epilogues, Rose, Dave, and Dirk ascend to their Ultimate Selves. Homestucks saturation of timeline and narrative chicanery means that there are always multiple versions of each character that exist somewhere in the story, probably even at the same time. Not every country has black stereotypes that are the same. Ending: I love Homestuck. (not sure on the proper wording for this, if theres better wording let me know and ill change it) As a result of his accident, he is constantly babyed or harassed by other characters. WebDreamWorks. Its not like every single thing that ever happened in the decades-long span the Candy timeline took place is available for us to read. But I am going to assume you mean the timeline Davesprite came from. The counterargument to this is that John, the only character who is 100% confirmed to be canonically straight is very frequently paired with Dave and Karkat. It is the close button at the top right (or left) of your BROWSER WINDOW. The solid sales performance also lifted the food retailer's profit margins. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is the latest product to feel the review bomb burn. I will just go ahead and read through the Google Docs about Hussie being terrible and comment every time I have something to say. Point 2: Homestuck is INTENTIONALLY challenging. What is the cost? Yeah, honestly the content of these docs probably says a lot more about the author of them they they do anything about Andrew Hussie. Question: do thirteen year old girls have boobs? He needs everything to be relevant, and if a few character motivations and arcs need to get bent out of shape for that to happen, so be it. Technically, a lack of masking is a presentation issue a sign that a theater no longer cares but it can lead to projection problems, too. And thats the trimmed down version of the trimmed down version. Perhaps youll click the first. I had no idea what Tab was, for example. Hes just a cis man. The comics before Homestuck, particularly Problem Sleuth, were largely based on community inputs, and I believe certain parts of Homesutck initially were as well (this was before my time). Please explain. ships, god tier classpect theories, and vriska seem to be the biggest controversies. With the end of Adobe Flash on the horizon, hours of Flash content, much of it interactive, is going to have to be scrapped and remade. In the first chapter of Psycholonials, Zhen, the novels main character, shoots and kills a cop. If it is morally wrong, I want explanations.). People cared more about her being a lesbian than they cared about her being a gross stereotype whos main priority is money and business!! That having been said Alternia, at least to me, was supposed to be some kind of dark joke about society; I mean their Jesus upon the moment of his crucifixion started cursing everyone out because they're just so shitty. And the world ends. N/A. In Candy, shes this pushy, horny, clueless woman with alarmingly dubious ideas surrounding consent, who pushes her friends away and pressures Dave in marrying her, preventing him from living out the fact that hes gay. Not formally, and nowhere near as dangerous as more conventional cults can be, but close enough to draw meaningful comparisons. About number 12, according to ARquiussprite, they are there for some reason. She rapes Jake and then marries him because they had sex. Webi do think there is a lot to say on why homestucks fanbase is (to put it bluntly) so transgender in such a specific and interesting way. Not in the game, so I don't care. This magic carpet ride of analytical post-epilogue Homestuck fan content has left you feeling exhilarated and yet hungry for more. Jade was one of my favorite characters. and the other half is him being completely oblivious to what the original poster means. So, no matter how much the story frustrates me or how disappointed I get, I feel like I have to look at it in some way. He forces Jake to admit he loves him just to get the satisfaction of embarrassing him and destroying his heart, and he consistently and purposefully misgenders Roxy. And in this one Mituna himself just kind of sexually harrasses Meenah. To him, a reluctant cult leader will withdraw from the spotlight and rarely address their followers. They obviously "matured" when dead. Every bit of it is there in order to prepare the troll kids for the game. It also has an unprecidented degree of fan interaction laced throughout the comic, with readers being invited in through suggesting actions, names, and other content; producing art and music; and headcanons later 'canonised' or 'debunked'. It loosely correlates with my past experience of presiding over a big fandom and watching it spin out of control, using much more fantastical elements like revolution and global conquest as the backdrop. I don't see it. Whatever. The easiest example of this is Dave's HELLA toxic masculinity in the early game. The implosion of Silvergate Bank has a lot to do with the fact that it was crypto's bank of choice. 1,362,830. March 3, 2023. WebThis process, known as review-bombing, has been used for both good and bad causes. Tumblr community vs. every other community. It was meant to be a joke about the character suddenly having an actual skin color instead of a pure white one. Calliope isnt an unbiased narrator. "umm that karkat is problematic? Mainstream content producers can afford to turn a blind eye to smaller copyright infringements (though they can and do take steps to stop them when they are made aware of them!) Our more overpowered characters fell to the wayside so we could tell the stories of characters who had to face a conflict or struggle to get what they wanted. He forces Rose to consent to being kidnapped, then makes her wife, Kanaya, blame herself for it all. Oops replied to the wrong thing. I'm not really interested in Thermian arguments; trolls aren't real, Hussie created them that way for a reason. and i think its mostly to do with homestucks treatment of femininity vs masculinity in a way that is not typically done After around the half-way mark she stops being important, so I was excited to see if she gets any big moments in the epilogues. Okay, so the plot hole is also a cue ball and the whole story is pool and chess and I think blackjack. As underage drinking is a touchy subject for myself personally im not very inclined to go through the route in detail but, underage drinking. Well, sure! Ardata literally has a red room esque set up, where she tortures trolls that she has caged in her hive. I like my complaints like I like my inception, always going one level deeper. He doesnt let characters act like their nature would suggest, and instead manipulates them to fulfill some larger purpose. It wasn't even that funny! Fanfiction that places Dirk and Kanaya in heterosexual pairings. /*# sourceMappingURL=*/to which I say yes. I tend prefer Jade when she has as at least milligram of agency, but, again, sorry I liked her in the first place, I guess. I can't fight that. All that being said, and the despite the two months its been since the epilogues first came out, I dont think I have an opinion on them that can be reduced to I liked them or I hated them. I welcome it. WebKate Mitchell. Still, he said that the text works as a thematic followup to his entire experience with building a fandom. The only reason people are so attached to the original joke is because it was taken away from them. Last year, the worlds S.U.V.s collectively released almost a billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. Be prepared. Good job. (As he puts it, its about the things its about.) The story presents a modern path to revolution in which the catalyst for the overthrow of an imperialist system is not the military strongmen of old, but a young woman with social media savvy. Terezi wanted them to be "L1K3 4 Characters can use special super-moves called Fraymotifs, a portmanteau of the words fray and leitmotif. As it goes in the story, she was drunk driving, and after the cop gets physical with her, she grabs the gun from his holster and shoots. In addition to music, most pages at minimum combine text and images, but gifs and Adobe Flash animations are common. As such, sometimes fanon theories are presented with direct alternatives to prompt the reader to think about the worth of their own opinion versus someone else's, as well as present logical, but opposing, perspectives. Maybe because Hussie doesn't actually speak English? "The Help" became the most-watched movie on Netflix over the past week, according to their US trend bar. Rose and Roxy. MS Paint Adventures by Andrew Hussie. Like this the view I got in laravel 8 Laravel 8 paginate UI. Albeit, important, weighty fanfiction elevated by the very fact they exist on and not on myI mean someonesGoogle Docs account locked away somewhere, but fanfiction nonetheless. 2. ._1W1pLIfaIb8rYU6YeTdAk6{margin-right:6px}._1H6Meh6ZAemKxOJDOEasfK{border-radius:50%;box-sizing:border-box;height:20px;margin-left:-8px;width:20px}._1H6Meh6ZAemKxOJDOEasfK:first-child{margin-left:0}._30vlMmCcnqKnXP1t-fzm0e{display:inline-block;margin-left:-8px;position:relative} The entire story was one long, continuous block that Ive long since forgotten, spiraling through whatever settings kids would love to live in: outer space, ancient Egypt, the woods, the African Savannah, the world of Pokemon, magic, whatever. There are these four kids: John, Rose, Dave, and Jade. Since my social justice related posts seem to encourage more discussions than ones that do not rely on social justice critique, I figured I would use this next post to explore a very talked-about and controversial aspect of Homestuckits ableism. The Homestuck epilogues attempt to answer questions surrounding what canon is, and if the distinction between canon and Homestucks wealth of fanfiction is even significant to consider. Theres also the fact that the epilogues have no qualms about crushing aspects of the story the reader may have enjoyed. Likewise Mindfang's joyous rape-and-murder spree of a memoir is discussed in text (And it's never graphic. Homestuck is two or three biggish novels' worth of illustrated text, Whos fetish. Still, Hussie doesnt think every aspect of fandom is completely horrible. Some forms like writing fanfiction or creating fan art are a positive, fun activity. I understand the logic of HIC's quirk and presentation, but I DO think there is value in talking about the harmful stereotypes which she is made from. The difference should be obvious, Devils advocate here: She's small, not neccesarily young. Pyscholonials isnt about Andrew Hussie and it isnt a Homestuck sequel. true wait, what? We are currently experiencing a system-wide issue with a delay on all activations. Dont try to make me part of some angry mob. The fact that they changed it is what's wrong. Im all for fair criticism, but this aint it. Its upsetting to read either way. The impressive thing is, these couldve easily just been throw-away, cheap, forced, gags. But understanding that Psycholonials is chiefly an anti-cult narrative should help point to how I view the Homestuck phenomenon. The sexism accusations over the most passive class (Muse) being female. Half of his comments are "N-NO, YOU?" Actually, my favorite thing about the webcomic: Homestuck is acutely aware that it exists on the Internet, and exploits that fact to its fullest capacity. Read it on a computer. In both the SFW and NSFW route, there was no mention of him being trans. There's just about one for every group. Heck, people are still debating troll genitalia). Homestuck has three characters with definite disabilitiesTavros, Terezi, and Solluxthough for the purposes of this article, I will focus on Tavros and Terezi as, ever since Sollux has become blind, we simply have not had much screen time with him to merit analysis at this point. For the Beta Kids, it's Jade, for the Trolls it's Vriska, and for the Alpha kids it's Dirk. Commedia Doll'Arte Fueled by this power, Dirk plans to leave the comic entirely to head to a place where his thoughts and his actions always have weight, regardless of what is canon and what isnt. In a personal sense, this story is an odd fusion of two allegories. Im not sure how much there is thats truly positive about those things, but there is plenty which is negative. hating her or not hating her and liking her as a character and oh my god can we please stop talking about Vriska). He didnt complete a draft until just a day before the first Black Lives Matter protests prompted by the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police officers in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Homestuck has never shied away from cartoonish gore and bloodshed before, but ironically, what the epilogues lack in pictures they make up for in graphic content. If you actually read Hussie's tumblr about that incident, you would see that he specifically changed it not because people were upset about it but because other people on tumblr were using the canonicalization of tricksters as white to be nasty to others and he didn't want anything to do with that. Just more things: more plot, more dialogue, more mechanics, more characters, more questions, on and on and on and on until it just runs out of breath and falls over. Homestuck feels like a glorified, expensive, vaguely ornery version of my childhood game. Can't say I ever noticed. Brown, who has worked with survivors of sexual assault as a therapist and social worker, believes that the movie glorifies " predatory behavior."