The twister moved east-northeast from three miles west of New Albany and cut a swath of death and destruction through the north side of town. Twelve homes were destroyed near Alton. Path length: Time: 3:45am Several businesses were damaged in the Broadway and Lakeview Drive area. March 23, 1917 The twister knocked down many power lines down and twisted and snapped trees and did roof damage to several homes and then crossing highway 210. Counties: Simpson, Allen June 2, 1990 Counties: Shelby Union (near the present-day intersection of KY 1421 and Napier Road) and then Holland, killing four. An air handler was blown off of the roof of JCK Enterprises and thrown 125 yards. Deaths: 0 January 30, 2013 Path length: F-scale: F2 Anoutbuilding, previously used to make brooms, next to the house hadsignificant damage when a large tree fell on top of it. Deaths: 0 Near the intersection of Horners Chapel Road and Fredericksburg Road, a high tension metal power structure was toppled along with numerous trees uprooted and snapped. The tornado increased in width to 200 yards on Wobegon Way significantly damaging several homes. Injuries: Grazulis narrative: Skipped east-northeast from just east of Standiford Field to Smithfield and New Castle. Notes: The door of a house was blown out about four miles northeast of Ferdinand, near the start of the tornado path. May 1, 2012 Deaths: 0 Deaths: 0 Considerable damage occurred on parts of Slack Road. Weather Radio April 20, 2000 Notes:This tornado did damage along Calvary Road where a mobile home was destroyed and a small shed slid off its foundation. Notes: Storm Data takes this tornado from five miles west of Centertown, on Shrull Lane, to Hartford. Travis Brown, whose son owns the building, said it was built in the late 1800s. Time: 11:14pm The tornadothen struck two homes and a single-wide mobile home on New Hope Ridge Road (Highway 2870) about 1.5 miles west of Highway 421. November 18, 2017 A tobacco warehouse was demolished on the southwest side of town. Noted discrepancies: NCDC and Grazulis only list Knox and Daviess counties. Path width: 50 yards F-scale: F3 Image credits. Injuries: 0 April 3, 1956 Deaths: 0 Path width: 180 yards Notes: Storm Data says this tornado moved from McKinney to Crab Orchard. Grazulis narrative: Moved east from two miles south of Shepherdsville. Deaths: 0 F-scale: F1 Counties: Jefferson KY, Oldham August 9, 1968 March 20, 1976 F-scale: F3 Will plot as such. In older events, the number of tornadoes officially counted is likely underestimated. Notes from investigation in 2017: In McAfee several homes had uplifted roofs, a chimney was destroyed, and garage doors collapsed. Storm Data reports a plethora of seemingly significant damage. The tornado lifted near this location. County: Green Metal sheeting was found in trees. Another large tree was uprooted in this yard before the tornado lifted. Notes: Will map this as touching down just barely inside LaRue County. Notes: Touchdown was on Russell Lane about 8 miles east northeast of Springfield. Path width: Path width: Path width: 250 yards The tornado completely lifted at Jackie Crow salvage yard with debris thrown on the top of the hill about 250 yards from the salvage yard. F-scale: F1 April 20, 2000 Several trees were blown over in Haysville. Time: 3:08pm County: LaRue The only damage to the home, however, was minor roof damage from a branch falling on it. Time: 4:01pm EST Path width: 300 yards Path width: June 26, 2018 A man at 3576 Bold Bidder broke his neck when a brick wall collapsed on him. Path width: 100 yards SPC list this event as an F2Grazulis does not list it. Yale Programmar. Deaths: 0 Five other occupants of the mobile home were injured. Path length: 58 miles Path width: F-scale: F2 Path length: 5 miles July 10, 2015 A "substantial" brick church was leveled, as were many barns. The tornado crossed into extreme northwest Clark County along and near Daisy Hill Road. In this area the tornado was rated as an EF2 with 115 mph estimated winds. SPC gives a path length of 1/10 of a mile and a path width of 10 yardsNCDC gives nothing for either. Trees were blown down in Saint John. Deaths: Time: 7:00am Path length: Time: 6:12pm Path length: 0.5 mile Path length: 1.5 miles Path length: 17 miles Will plot it between New Roe and the Tennessee border. Several trees were knocked down or snapped. Path width: It then took a large section of roofing off the Paoli Police Department building on West Main Street before snapping several trees along Lick Creek as it moved east-northeast toward the city square. Time: 5:42am EST Numerous large hardwood trees were snapped and twisted. The tornado then reformed and crossed I-265 and continued to the east-northeast through several subdivisions north and northeast of Fincastle. Injuries: 0 Deaths: 0 Path width: Time: May 14, 1995 An injury occurred as the tornado crossed I-265 when two semi trailers were blown over. Deaths: 0 April 6, 1954 Narrative: A tornado near Rich Hill and Mount Olive moved northeast and swept away dwellings, large trees, horses, cattle, and other stock. While these spinny winds are not unique to our country, they are very much a part of the American experience. F-scale: F3 Injuries: 11 Deaths: 0 Path width: Counties: Clark KY Path width: 150 yards Path length: Deaths: Time: 4:00am Metal roofing material was lofted into nearby trees and spread up to a quarter mile to the east. October 1, 1977 Time: 3:42am CST EF-Scale: EF1 Deaths: Deaths: 0 Deaths: 0 A note should be made of the rainfall, whether it was most abundant before, during, or after the tornado; also, if possible, the amount of rain at the centre of the track and at some point two thousand or three thousand feet on either side. Time: 11:26pm EDT Injuries: 4 Narrative: Buildings were unroofed in downtown Lexington and at Sayre College. F-scale: F3 It is well beyond the scope of this project to plot detailed mile-by-mile F-scale analyses of all tornadoes included on these web pages. Numerous outbuildings were damaged or destroyed. Injuries: 2 June 25, 1902 Noted discrepancies: None The church was scheduled to be dedicated the following Sunday. May 14, 2014 Twelve more homes were destroyed at Dundee. Deaths: EF-scale: EF1 Time: 7:12pm - 7:14pm CDT Noted discrepancies: Storm Data puts this tornado near Stowersbut can't find a Stowers on any map. This scouring was evidence of a multi-vortex tornado, which was confirmed by multiple videos and photographs. Path length: 1 mile Several trees were toppled in a forest on the southwest portion of the path. County: Adair Six people were killed when the tornado demolished a number of homes in the Mount Pleasant Church area on KY 551. Path length: Deaths: 0 Many buildings had roof or other damage. Injuries: 0 The vortex quickly intensified to EF3 strength as it crossed the south portion of the town of Marysville, severely damaging several homes. Notes: The tornado first touched down along Millstown Road southwest of Park City. Path width: Time: 2:00am Tornado Threat Forecast: January 29-30, 2013. If there is an uprush in the tornado, it ought to be easily told; and the appearance will be very different from that if the object or house is borne along . It then grew in width and intensity as it crossed Highway 1365 and uprooted, snapped and twisted over 200 trees in a heavily forested area around a deep karst ravine. Further east, a large 50'x60' barn was destroyed and debris went at least half a mile downwind. Path width: 300 yards Path width: January 22, 1957 Path length: 2 miles (Grazulis and Storm Data list the touchdown at "Cottonwood", by which they probably mean "Cottonburg", which is west of Richmond two miles east of the Garrard County line.) Time: 8:00pm Path length: SPC gives a path width of 10 yards, NCDC and Grazulis give nothing. For more recent tornadoes, clicking . F-scale: F1 Several bowing segments within the line produced severe thunderstorm wind damage. Noted discrepancies: Grazulis lists this at 10:03pm. At 291 Elamond Road part of the roof of a home was peeled back with extensive siding damage. The tornado touched down at approximately 3:38 PMEST, and the initial damage included snapped and twisted trees just west of Hwy 421. April 20, 2011 July 12, 1979 F-scale: F1 F-scale: F4 Noted discrepancies: SPC and NCDC call this an F1, Grazulis calls it an F2. made for good press, and together they Injuries: Path length: 3 miles Noted discrepancies: Grazulis lists this tornado at 11:10pm. The tornado covered the witness's house in fallen trees. Path length: 0.7 mile The tornado lifted just north of Bailey School Road in far NW Allen County. Path length: SPC gives a path width of 10 yardsNCDC 30 yardsGrazulis and Storm Data 100 yards. Time: 10:00pm Jefferson County locations that were struck by the tornado or its parent thunderstorm included Orell, Greenwood Station, Kerrick Station, Blanton Station, Saint Helens, South park, Iroquois Park, and Senning's Park. Path width: Notes: Near Patterson Lane and McAfee Lane between McAfee and Ebenezer a well-built barn had two walls blown out and its roof blown one-half mile downstream. Notes: Storm Data mentions damage between US 68 and Russell Creek. It's just the way the wind patterns work. Path width: 60 yards Deaths: 2 Several homes and barns were destroyed on Froedge-Dubree and Pitcock roads in the Summer Shade area. Deaths: 0 Path width: EF-Scale:EF1 Noted discrepancies: SPC lists a path width of 70 yards, NCDC 73 yards, Storm Data 75 yards. Grazulis lifts the tornado two miles north of Fairfield, but SPC/NCDC take it to north of Wakefield. The tornado lifted near the intersection of KY 333 and M. H. Dowell Road. Notes: A tornado with 90 mph winds touched down one mile west of the intersection of KY 214 and KY 953. SPC gives a path width of 10 yards, NCDC gives nothing. Injuries: 0 Counties: Hancock, Perry (from Daviess) Injuries: 0 Homes were said to have "vanished" near Sulphur Springs (where two people were killed) and near Falls of Rough (where three people were killed). Counties: Logan Path width: Path length: 1.8 miles So far, it doesn't look like it Grazulis lists an F2 tornado in Woodford County with eight injuries, a path length of one mile, and a path width of 200 yards on May 18, 1995 at 6:35am. SPC and NCDC list one injury, Grazulis lists four. Mrs. Carson's roof was carried across the street. Time: 5:25pm County: Cumberland Eyewitness narrative: I was 15 years old at the time andI lived on KY 44 just east of Elk Creek in Spencer County. A barn was slightly damaged in the South Hudson neighborhood, a barn was damaged on Fountain Avenue, and the home of Sheriff Deputy Murphy on Clayton Avenue lost its two chimneys and suffered other roof damage as well. Path length: 1 mile At this point, prefer to plot this tornado only in Mercer County. Abasement crawl space door was blown out along with siding and roofdamage at 125 Spinks Drive. Path width: 60 yards Path length: Injuries: 30 One of the best illustrations of this has just come to hand from the storm at Bradshaw, Neb. The tornado then affected a residence, badly damaging the roof and throwing the porch of the house several yards to the northeast. May 6, 1840 - The Great Natchez Tornado kills 317 in Natchez, Mississippi. A total of five homes sustained extensive damage, and two homes suffered minor damage. Notes: Trees were downed and a dozen barns were destroyed. Path width: 150 yards June 22, 2011 A sign was also blown down at a business along U.S. 60. Time: 5:58pm - 5:59pm EDT Path length: 1.2 miles Each year about 56 people are killed by tornadoes. 12. Path length: Injuries: 8 driven into the flesh.". was partly cut and pulled from her head, People onsite reported that cows were missing and could not be located. Injuries: Damage was confined to IMS Lane. Clark County and Scott County: The National Weather Service in conjunction with Clark County Emergency Management conducted an exhaustive tornado damage survey on Saturday and Sunday, March 3 and 4. Path length: Grazulis narrative: Skipped northeast from 6 1/2 miles southeast of Trenton to southwest of Allensville to near Lickskillet to near Auburn and Richardsville. Noted discrepancies: SPC and NCDC give a path length of 6 miles, Grazulis gives 7. SPC gives a path width of 10 yardsNCDC 30 yardsGrazulis 800 yards. Tornado with speeds of up to 114mph swept up sheep and caused extensive damage to farm in Pennal. Path width: 300 yards Notes: This tornado struck downtown Munfordville. Along the path, 35 homes, four trailers, 60 barns, and 79 other buildings were destroyed. Counties: Barren Path length: 11 miles Path width: Notes: Storm Data says this tornado destroyed two barns in the Fairfield area. F-scale: F1 Counties: Hardin Noted discrepancies: None. It tore the back end off of a large barn there and collapsed a 60-foot tall silo, then crossedthe road and snapped several trees. Injuries: Time: 7:54pm Noted discrepancies: NCDC does not give a liftoff lat/lon. 25 Deadliest U.S. Tornadoes - Storm Prediction Center Path width: 350 yards This tornado touched down near Hickory Flat Road just south of its intersection with Hickory Flat-Ridge Road in Simpson County where about a dozen trees were uprooted. Path width: Noted discrepancies: SPC, Grazulis, and Storm Data give a time of 12:05am, NCDC 12:03am. Just beyond the patch of trees a 40-yard-wide ground swirl could be seen across a farmer's field. This is consistent with EF-2 damage and 120 mph wind. Time: 8:00pm Grazulis narrative: Moved east-northeast from six miles south of Morgantown near KY 79, damaging or destroying three farm homes and fifteen barns. Path width: Notes: Storm Data mentions damage at Pellsville and Roseville. Some tornadoes had no F-scale ranking assigned to them. Click here for an incredible picture of the damage (courtesy of the University of Louisville Photographic Archives). In the Canmer area, Gilead Church (near the intersection of US 31E and Gilead Fairview Road) lost its roof, and debris from the roof was found two miles away. The cyclone moved from south to north "over the lower edge" of Paris. chicken coop also sustained damage at the end of Silas Miller Road, The end of the path was surveyed east at Hwy 259 where another metal, structure was damaged and several trees where downed. The debris from the barn was thrown over a quarter mile to the northeast. F-scale: F1 Notes: Touchdown was west of KY 639 south of Wago. Counties: Green April 5, 2017 This included a home which was totally leveled as well as a couple of anchored down double wide trailers. Injuries: 0 Homes were swept away in many communities, including Keytown, Angle, Oak Grove, and Liberty. Time: 1:20pm - 1:36pm CDT Path length: F-scale: F4 Path length: Path width: 200 yards Deaths: F-scale: F0 Deaths: 0 Continuing along and parallel to Pleasure Ridge Road, the tornado destroyed a mobile home and barn in its path, and heavily damaged at least three other homes before exiting the county. The tornado cut a swath 350 yards in southwest El Dorado, traveling southeast instead of northeast. Also, a large tree on the north side of the path was snapped southward and drug 10 feet to the south. Time: Time: 2:00pm Notes: Storm Data says this tornado touched down a mile east of Willisburg. In all, more than 175 storms - including wind and hail - were recorded, with the bulk of them being in Kansas, Oklahoma . 1-Stop Severe Forecast Further down on Willard Wilson road, another 30 by 50 foot barn was collapsed and a 400 pound 4-wheeler was moved 30 feet. Noted discrepancies: SPC and NCDC list this as an F2, Grazulis calls it an F3. Time: 6:04am - 6:05am EST Storm Data ends this tornado two miles northeast of Madison near IN 7. Path width: SPC gives a path width of 10 yards, NCDC 30 yards, Grazulis 100 yards, Storm Data 300 yards. F-scale: F0 Injuries: 40 It moved between US 421 and Eminence-Point Pleasant Road. Path length: The tornado destroyed a large well-built barn and threw the structure 50 yards. Path length: 2.2 mile April 3, 2018 Counties: Logan January 2, 2006 As it moved into Warren County, it damaged barn roofs and produced golf ball size hail which penetrated siding on numerous vinyl sided houses. Path width: Time: 1:54am EDT northeast. There were several outbuildings and two pole barns destroyed as well. Time: 10:30am There was minor tree damage near Spring Valley Road and Woodhaven Drive indicating wind speeds of 85 mph. Time: 5:37pm - 5:45pm EDT Time: 5:20pm As the tornado continued eastward more homes experienced minor roof damage, uprooted trees, and a large outbuilding was nearly destroyed. F-scale: F1 The damage continued east towards Ottoman Road where a carport was destroyed, along with additional trees that were snapped and uprooted. June 9, 2010 Path width: Path length: 0.20 mile Path width: Injuries: Deaths: !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? Notes: This tornado touched down near Pilot Knob. Injuries: 0 F-scale: F0 EF-Scale:EF0 Path length: Path width: 800 yards Path width: 100 yards Jim Barnes of 1448 Canonero Drive said he was grilling steaks in his driveway. Power lines and power poles were downed. Deaths: 0 F-scale: EF1 The family survivedthe tornado by sheltering in a 3-foot crawl space. Counties: Casey, Lincoln, Boyle Path length: 5 miles Path width: 1200 yards 7. Storm Data says "F1 or F2". Narrative: Moved northeast from four miles south of Eminence, passing one mile north of Pleasureville. May 31, 2001 Counties: Dubois Counties: Warren Tornadoes are uniformily preceded by unusual heat; they are invariably accompanied by lightning and rain, and frequently by hail. The tornado continued eastward, snapping the trunks of several large trees along Butler Creek and damaging carports and a metal outbuilding along Holmes Bend Rd and Turkey Trace. F-scale: F0 Counties: Oldham A couple of trees were snapped. An eyewitness reported seeing a black mass with debris moving horizontally. Occupants of a mobile home witnessed the tornado as it approached from the west, and they took shelter in their bathroom. and the Middle Blue River. Roofs were torn off at Ak-Sar-Ben Park. Time: 11:50 Path width: 45yards SKYWARN. Path length: 4.6mile Time: 1:30pm The storm crossed I 65 and surprisingly did not strike any vehicles. Most of the roof was lifted up and over power lines that were 20 feet above the ground 150 feetdistant from the house. The tornado tracked northeast to near the intersection of Hurstbourne Lane and Brownsboro Roadwhere it briefly lifted. F-scale: F2 Deaths: 0 Counties: Ohio Notes: Storm Data touched this tornado down near KY 55 and hits Middletown and Half Acre. Counties: Allen An elementary school suffered quite a bit of roof and ceiling damage. Notes: Storm Data touches this tornado down on "Lemon Hill Road" near Georgetownit seems this should be "Lemons Mill Road". The most intense damage was 200 yards wide. Injuries: As the tornado lifted at Coletown several trees fell or were snapped. Deaths: Grazulis lists it at 10:00am. According to news accounts, damage was heavy in Lawrenceburg, especially in a three-block wide swath through downtown. The tornado then dipped to earth again on the west side of the University of Louisville campus, breaking out many windows in a large residence hall and nearby building, and damaging several vehicles parked nearby. Counties: Logan A Short History of the Mayo Clinic. March 18, 1925 Deaths: Counties: Warren, Edmonson, Barren Deaths: 1 Mr Hammonds, another policeman on duty at the time of the storm, said that he noticed nothing like a funnel, but he observed a violent rotation apparently about a vertical axis in a black ominous looking cloud associated with the storm. Deaths: Great Plains were from settlements near and The lat/lon given at SPC and NCDC for this tornado is in Nicholas County. Time: 1:08am EST to 1:12am EST Thunderstorms are expected to hit the . Time: 3:00pm Notes:This very small tornado touched down on top of an older wooden barn on KY 289 just south of the intersection with US68. Time: 12:41pm Notes: Touchdown was just north of West Galway Trail North in a tree line behind some houses. Deaths: 4 Time: 5:30pm Many tornado stories Time: 11:40pm EDT Injuries: 0 SPC and NCDC give a path length of 58 miles, Grazulis give 35 miles (skipping), Storm Data gives 60 miles. Counties: Garrard, Madison Deaths: EF-Scale:EF2 Insulation from the largest building was spattered onto the south and east facing walls and vehicles on the east side of the complex. Time: 4:40pm Counties: Casey Counties: Henry Notes: This tornado touched down in or near Paoli. Counties: Ohio (from McLean and Hopkins) Mr. Bradley made a full recovery. Counties: Barren The worst of the tornado took place at its inception on Bethlehem Academy Road, where a barn was destroyed killing a woman inside. Path width: EF-Scale:EF2 January 17, 2012 Time: 6:15pm Some children were killed on their way home from school. Path width: 300 yards Several homes and businesses were damaged or destroyed. Deaths: 0 October 19, 2007 Deaths: 0 Injuries: 0 Tree damage continued into Allen County along Allen Springs Road. Path width: Wheat, orchard grass, strawberries, and garden crops were ruined near Smith's Grove. Notes: Storm Data says this tornado struck just south of Franklinton. At the home next door the front door was pulling away from the building. The edge of the tornado missed downtown Russell Springs by only half a mile. F-scale: F3 Deaths: 0 F-scale: F2 Time: 5:20pm - 5:22pm CDT SPC and NCDC give a path length of six miles, Grazulis and Storm Data give 5. Moving due east, it snapped the trunks of several large trees, blocking the highway, and mowed down a line of trees along Louis Mattingly Road. If SPC/NCDC's lat/lon is changed from -85.92 to -84.92, it is placed in Franklin County. NWS Notes:While Lexington newspapers listed the many farms that were struck by the tornado (or its attendant straight-line winds), no road names and few references to nearby towns were given. Path width: Noted discrepancies: SPC gives a path length of 1/10 of a mile and a width of 10 yardsNCDC gives nothing for either. Injuries: 2 At the end of Sarabeth Way, there was extensive hardwood tree damage which included uprooted, twisted, and mangled trees. Noted discrepancies: SPC gives a path length of 1/10 of a mile and a width of 10 yardsNCDC gives nothing for either. Noted discrepancies: SPC lists a path width of 30 yardsNCDC and Storm Data say 100 yards. Deaths: 0 Deaths: 0 twisted into a rope, and found several feet The tornado formed in pasture southwest of the road and then knocked over several cedar trees and split several sections on some maple trees before striking a barn. Both the aerial photos and picture of the tornado relayed by the emergency manager were matched up with a radar signature indicating rotation. Path width: 150 yards Grazulis narrative: A barn and a 222-foot long hog house were destroyed on separate farms, four miles north of Depauw. Narrative: Moved northeast, destroying five homes and damaging a dozen others at Columbia. Early pioneers knew very little about tornadoes. Time: Time: 4:45pm Deaths: Injuries: 2 The park was badly damaged, just 12 days before the season's Opening Day. Time: 6:50pm Counties: Dubois Injuries: The unattached bed of a pickup truck was picked up and thrown 150 yards. Injuries: 0 Time: 4:20am A ranch style home suffered significant damage. Path width: 125 yards Deaths: 0 Additional research necessary! F-scale: F2 Path width: 130 yards May 28, 1996 County: Hardin Injuries: Injuries: The most extensive damage was done near the end of the tornado's path, where it destroyed a mobile home, took the roof off a cinder block outbuilding, and did extensive damage to the roofs of several large barns. Notes: Straight line winds along and north of the supercell moving through Simpson County uprooted shallow-rooted hardwood and softwood trees and destroyed a tool shed on Evans Rd. 9 Apr 2022. April 28, 2002 Counties: Shelby At the 2400 block of WG Talley Road was the most significant damage of the entire survey. Time: 11:12am EST I am impressed! EF-Scale: EF1 Path width: 50yards F-scale: F2 Path width: 100 yards Noted discrepancies: SPC and NCDC list this as an F1, Grazulis ranks it as an F2 (albeit "minimal"). Time: 5:10pm Noted discrepancies: NCDC gives no liftoff lat/lon. Injuries: 0 It moved to the east-southeast, passing just north of Smiths Grove, west of Hays, and dissipating at Beckton west of Glasgow. Grazulis Narrative: Tornado moved from "Husto" to "Kinney Station". Three homes in the area sustained roof and siding damage, including a 2x4 from one of the outbuildings blown through an exterior wall. SPC lists a path length of 15 milesNCDC says 10 miles. Path width: 100 yards Injuries: Notes: The National Weather Service in conjunction with Trimble County Emergency Management and an aerial survey conducted by pilots from the Kentuckiana Volunteer Aviatorsconfirmed that an EF-1 tornado touched down on Willard Wilson Road in southern Trimble county at 401 PM EST. Deaths: Once the tornado made it to the Mississippi River, it decimated steamboats and other vessels in the harbor, breaking them into pieces and scattering them from the Missouri to the Illinois shore. Path length: It was only 50 yards wide twisting many trees and was rated a EF0. Time: 9:21pm - 9:24pm CST Deaths: 0 Injuries: April 5, 1985 Path length: County: Edmonson However, the tornado touched back down again just on the other side of the interstate at 1600 South English Station Road as an EF-0. Injuries: 0 Path length:0.1 mile Path length: 2.8 miles Path width: About 30feet from the tree there was an outbuilding that had half its roofblown off and the roof remnants were found about 50 yards away. Counties: Henry It proceeded to the east-southeast through Little Bend (near Mining City) and into Butler County. Much of the tornado path was at tree top, and several residents within 1/2 mile of the storm were unaware of it due to lack ofexcessive winds or roar. Notes: This small tornado damaged trees and roofs near KY 1967 north of US 60. Path length: Counties: Russell Notes: Storm Data mentions damage in County Trace Estates and on Zoneton Road east of Mount Washington. F-scale: F3 The tornado track continued at a residence on New Bethel Cloverport Rd. Injuries: 0 F-scale: F1 Notes: This deadly storm touched down near the intersection of Jefferson and Twentieth Streets, unroofing 21 buildings at the German Protestant Orphan Asylum. April 7, 2015 Time: 3:16pm CDT Path width: 140yards Hundreds of hardwood trees were snapped and uprooted, with a few trees landing on houses causing roof damage. Path width: 13 yards Time: 3:38pm - 3:41pm EST tornado struck the Baker home just outside Notes: According to Storm Data the tornado touched down on the southwest side of IN 66 at the west edge of Tell City. Injuries: 0 Deaths: Path length: A one month old 64'x56' barn with 6' footers in concrete was destroyed. F-scale: F2 Time: 9:44am EST Noted discrepancies: None Injuries: 2 Counties: Warren Counties: Allen, Barren Injuries: Path length: 5miles Three empty silos were destroyed with metal sheets thrown a quarter of a mile. Path length: 60 miles (probably a family of tornadoes) Deaths: 0 Time: 7:57pm Counties: Breckinridge, Hardin Time: 8:00pm Time: 11:05pm Path width: 325 yards The tornado then moved east damaging the roof of another barn and uprooting or snapping at least 100 trees. Time: 4:27pm Injuries: Julia's barn's roof was blown into Georgetown Cemetery. Notes: Storm Data says this tornado struck Sunny Corner. Path width: 25 yards F-scale: EF1 Path length: 1 mile Path width: Path width: 400 yards It then struck Meadowside Apartments and Cody Lane. Tornado fascination and observation is nothing new. Path length: 11 miles F-scale: F1 A few trees were snapped and uprooted. In Washington County many buildings across the county were leveled. Storm Data says most damage was in and around Eastern State College in Richmond. Noted discrepancies: SPC and NCDC give a path length of 10 miles, Grazulis give 9 miles. Notes: An EF-0 tornado with estimated winds between 65 and 80 mph touched down southeast of Shepherdsville and snapped a tree at a residence along Lotus Street. Counties: Crawford, Harrison IN Counties: Jefferson, KY Deaths: Injuries: 0 Notes: Storm Data says this tornado touched down in Cartersville. Path length: 16 miles F-scale: F2 In the late 1800s, meteorology was still in its infancy. The top image is a drawing of an undated tornado (likely from the early 1800s or prior), as seen in Significant Tornadoes: 1680-1991 (Thomas Grazulis), p. 550. County: Orange Path width: County: Meade, Hardin The tornado thenflattened a fence and peeled a section ofsheet metal on an outbuilding beforelifting. the former having her head crushed, and Tornadic damage continued east of Cox Ferry Road.