From a thermographic perspective, it is becoming more common to see oral inflammation that drains from the oral cavity, down the anterior neck and into the lymphatic system, in some cases creating lymphatic pathways into breast tissue. In other words, if the root canal is not done by the right kind of dentist, the net result may be that nothing is accomplished or things have been made worse. Add your two cents. Your dentist may refer you to an endodontist if they think you need a root canal. As I said before, each tooth is like an organ with a blood supply, neural supply, connecting ligaments, lymphatic supply, and so forth. If a root canal is performed to save a dead tooth, the thousands of tubules within the tooth each become receptacles for deadly bacteria. The availability of any content on Vimeo On Demand should not be viewed as endorsement of any statement therein, spokesman Jordan Smith said in an email. Dr. Panahpour interview on NBC about the Breast Cancer Root Canal connection, Dr. Veronique Desaulniers The Four Aspects of Healing, Root Canals And Breast Cancer The Connection Is Clear, How To Cure Breast Cancer With Baking Soda, Does Breast Cancer Cause Burning Sensation, What Causes Breast Cancer After Menopause, How Accurate Is Oncotype Dx Test For Breast Cancer, What Does Nuclear Grade Mean In Breast Cancer, What Is Er And Pr Positive In Breast Cancer, What Medication Is Taken After Breast Cancer, What Is Stage 3 Triple Negative Breast Cancer, You might see claims that its better to have a, Another ongoing myth about root canals is that the procedure is painful. This phenomenon is often very visible in thermography scans. Published by on June 29, 2022. For those with compromised immune systems, this added bacterial assault can wreak havoc on their bodies, even leading to sepsis and death in severe cases (6). The microbes thrive and some of them hide from the immune system inside the root canals. Dawn Ewing connects root canals and breast cancer in a shockingly certain manner. Because no blood reaches the inside of the tooth, the immune system cannot kill any microbes inside the dead tooth. She knew that the root canals were placing a constant stress on her immune system and she did not want to risk another bout of cancer. Most mainstream dentists see root canals as the only way to save a tooths structure in severe cases. Help keep Cancer Tutor on the cutting edge of relevant natural treatments and display ad-free. Root canals are a common dental procedure that save a patients natural tooth and alleviates pain. Treatment for cancer in the lymph nodes varies depending on the tumor size and location and whether the cancer has metastasized to other areas of the body. This brave woman, who had been through so much, was an intensive researcher and spent hours on the Internet. 2022 To conclude, Some people who have cancer may have had a root canal treatment at some point in their life. The streaming service did not respond to multiple requests for comment. Emotionally and spiritually, she was exhausted. There is a growing recognition among integrative dentists and physicians that dental health has a tremendous impact on the overall health of the body. Unfortunately, an increasing amount of research is showing that getting a root canal can lead to bacterial overload and may increase your chances of developing breast cancer. The Holistic Dental Association and the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine are great resources for learning more and for finding a biological dentist near you. But if Netflix thought the documentary Root Cause would go unnoticed by endodontists, they were mistaken. The Root Canal-Breast Cancer Connection More than 25 million root canals are performed every year in the United States. It urges viewers to have any root-canal-treated teeth removed and replaced with a ceramic bridge or zirconia implant. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this website. He even drinks his own urine. Apparently, when a woman (or a man in some cases) gets breast cancer, the body is generally able to fight it off, unless the person also had a root canal on the same meridian. Weston Price and Mayo Clinics [studies from] 1910 to 1920 described finding bacterial growth in root canals that could be transferred into animals and create the same diseases the donor human had in from 80 to 100% of the animals. Chronic oral infections can raise your risk of a variety of illnesses. A poison made by certain bacteria, plants, or animals, including insects. Because no blood reaches the inside of the tooth, the immune system cannot kill any microbes inside the dead tooth. While there, I was blown away by the stats they were presented connecting the teeth to other illnesses, diseases, cancer and other conditions. Root canals and breast cancer: The connection is clear Skip to Content Sections Mind and Body Diet food and fitness Weight Loss and Diet Plans Fitness & Exercise Oral Care Health & Sex Women's Health Benign Breast Diseases Breast Cancer Hereditary Breast Cancers Cervical Cancer Ovarian Cancer Pregnancy Pregnancy calendar Pregnancy FAQ There is nothing in the immune system that gets inside a root canal. The most common cause of all cancers is root canal-filled teeth and cavitation sites; and 2) Until a cancer patient gets rid of the root canal-filled teeth and cavitations, they don't get well. 11980 San Vincente Blvd Suite 901, Los Angeles, CA 90049. See the book: Four Women Against Cancer, by Dr. Alan Cantwell, M.D., for even more evidence for this fact. (2). Staying on a Stage IV treatment for a year won't help these people. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider. putting 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide in your mouth so that your root canal teeth are soaking in the solution for 2 or 3 minute at a time), twice a day can kill microbes inside the root canal teeth, most root canal teeth also have a crown which does not let liquids inside the tooth except at the bottom of the crowns. After her first ozone treatment, we measured her oral bacterial count on a daily basis. So, what is someone to do when faced with an infected tooth that cannot be saved by any other procedure than a root canal? When a tooth becomes diseased to the point where it cannot be saved with a non-toxic filling or a crown, the tooth should be extracted. . Despite the opposition, Root Cause remains available on Amazon, Vimeo and iTunes. The greater the amount of lymph nodes removed, the greater the chance for lymphedema to occur. Each time the patients immune system gets more and more stressed. It is impossible to cure more than 200 diseases unless all of the root canal teeth are removed properly because even if you killed the microbes of the disease, microbes hiding in the root canals can come out and reinfect the person. The next section will discuss this problem. Since leaving their office, I have been reading a lot about the subject and came across a webpage that I would like to share with you that demonstrates the relationship between root canals and breast cancer. camp green lake rules; Tags . When a person gets a root canal they create the perfect breeding ground for microbes. And as a result, he says, Almost all of them have remnants of necrotic debris still in that canal meaning that they were not thoroughly cleaned. Published by on June 29, 2022. Root canals do not leave areas of necrotic bone in your jaw that are filled with bacteria and lead to chronic inflammation and illness. All of these things have been known about for decades by the American Dental Association. Categories . A new documentary questioning the safety of root canals has drawn the ire of dentists and endodontists who say it is based on information long debunked. The image reads, 97% of our breast cancer patients had a root canal, citing Dr. Thomas Rau of the Swiss Biological Medicine Centre. You can find the rest of the article, and others on health at this webpage: Cancer Tutor. He looked to every medical, emotional, and spiritual avenue for an answer to his pain and had nearly given up by the time he found it. In reality, what happens is this: a "dead organ", your tooth, is left in the mouth and then filled with synthetic material. Unfortunately, an increasing amount of research is showing that getting a root canal can lead to bacterial overload and may increase your chances of developing breast cancer. His book was published first in 1994 and he has lectured widely since then trying to alert people to this danger to their health. In fact, the Mayo Clinic calls oral health a "window to your overall health." The Instagram post was flagged as part of Facebooks efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. The American Association of Endodontists states that over 25 million root canal treatments are carried out every year in the US. Bottom line, if you are being proactive with breast cancer prevention and are on a healing journey, you MUST address your dental health, cience confirms the root canal cancer connection, How the teeth are directly connected to the health of your body, Infected teeth threaten your whole body with poor health, Pain Relief | Pain Management Therapy | Bellevue, WA, Connective Tissue Massage (CTM) / Bindegeweb Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) St. John Style. All rights reserved. Additionally, reviews of focal infection theory studies showed that much of the research didn't involve the use of control groups and other standard requirements of a modern scientific study. You May Like: What Helps With Constipation From Chemo. Feel free to ask your dentist any questions about what to expect from the treatment and what steps you can take to help you get the best results. Internet search engines may be the best way to find a local holistic or biological dentist. Vimeo On Demand does not solicit or screen for content and only removes content when it violates its service terms or guidelines. The ideal solution is the have the root canals and all dental amalgam removed from the body, followed instantly by heavy chelation therapy (e.g. By the 28th day, we saw the levels go back up again. If a dentist can save the tooth by performing a root canal procedure instead of removing a tooth, it is the most likely recommended treatment. Rather, the microbe originates in the breasts and then some of them live the good life while hiding in the root canal(s), free from any interference of the immune system. Root Cause was removed from Netfix but can be viewed on Apple, Amazon and Vimeo for purchase or streaming. She chose the ozone injections. Advancements in medicine, techniques, and technologies have made endodontic treatment a more predictable, successful treatment than ever before. A prominent actress who was very well-off had breast cancer not once, but twice. As many of you have heard, last week I visited a Biological Dentist, and a Doctor of Naturopathic medicine. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. She told me that as an actress, even a retired actress, she needed to keep those teeth in her mouth. The last resort was to inject ozone around the infected and dead root-canal teeth in order to sterilize the infected areas and give her immune system a break.