Psy-Flex: A contextually sensitive measure of psychological flexibility (Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 2021). Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. Psychological Bulletin, 126(2), 247259. Bonanno, G. A., Papa, A., Lalande, K., Westphal, M., & Coifman, K. (2004). Pedroli, E., Serino, S., Pallavicini, F., Cipresso, P., & Riva, G. (2018). Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (1991). Journal of Clinical Psychology, 63(9), 871890. Validating measures of psychological flexibility in a population with acquired brain injury. Both present the ACT problems and processes using simplified terminology. At present, there are limited studies that examine the relationships between caregiver psychological factors and caregiver burden, and depressive and anxiety symptoms. & Paliliunas, D.(2017). Whiting, D. L., Deane, F. P., Simpson, G. K., McLeod, H. J., & Ciarrochi, J. Emotion, 13, 302. What does the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-II) really measure? A measuring instrument (RHETSEN) was developed and the, Table 1: Factor analysis: rotated component matrix, variance explained and reliability of each component, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our, The Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire (PFQ): Development, Reliability and Validity. The development and initial evaluation of the Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire -Accessible (PFQ-Ax) Conference: UK and Republic of Ireland ACT and Contextual Behavioural Science 4th. acknowledge the authors and their research paper when writing about it The Psy-Flex is furthermore ideal for repeated measurements (e.g., assessment at each session; event sampling, etc.) Rigidity of behavior: A variational approach to the effect of Einstellung. (2016). The effectiveness of a new, coping flexibility intervention as compared with a cognitive-behavioural intervention in managing work stress. Hayes, S. C., Merwin, R. M., McHugh, L., Sandoz, E. K., A-Tjak, J. G., Ruiz, F. J., & McCracken, L. M. (2021). Trends in Neurosciences, 38(9), 571578. A new measure of cognitive flexibility. Rolffs, J. L., Rogge, R. D., & Wilson, K. G. (2018). Edited by Dorwin Cartwright. The notion seems to suffer from a conceptual vagueness with multiple definitions, stemming from different conceptual propositions, with a frequent opposition between a neuropsychological approach or assessment and a clinical and therapeutical approach. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Malooly, A. M., Genet, J. J., & Siemer, M. (2013). This study explores the relationship between psychological flexibility and future anxiety mediated by intolerance of uncertainty in students of SMK PGRI 3 Malang. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86(2), 320333. Therefore, this study's objectives were to examine the relationships between psychological . Psychological Flexibility. Paraskeva-Siamata, M., Spyridou, G., Gloster, A., & Karekla, M., (2018). Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas. Journal of Neural Transmission, 117(1), 105122. (2020). Exploring virtual reality for the assessment and rehabilitation of executive functions. Epub 2020 Jul 2. Hollenstein, T., Lichtwarck-Aschoff, A., & Potworowski, G. (2013). *k&= $n-
T8eK/ ;6CeF:H; DQ This article reports the development of a communication flexibility scale and corresponding, Abstract Two studies examine the psychometric properties and socio-demographic correlates of the General Self-efficacy Scale (GSE) (Jerusalem and Schwarzer, 1986; Schwarzer, 1993). Caregivers of People with dementia (PwD) commonly experience burdens and other mental health issues, e.g., depression and anxiety. Accessibility Google Scholar. 2014 Jan;3(1):21-26. doi: 10.1016/j.jcbs.2013.11.003. Waldeck, D., Pancani, L., Holliman, A., Karekla, M., & Tyndall, I. Yet, much of what we know, or think we know, about psychological flexibility hinges on a single measurement approach using the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ and AAQ-II). In acceptance and commitment therapy, psychological flexibility is. Are you a qualified therapist who would like to help with our translation project? Psychological Inventory (Gough, 1956), a 480-item true/false self-report questionnaire that produces scores for 18 personality traits. Inflexibility as a vulnerability to depression: A systematic qualitative review. measure of psychological flexibility, by developing a second version, which we will term the AAQ-II. Psychological flexibility as a resilience factor in individuals with chronic pain. Embodiment as a unifying perspective for psychology. Recent meta-analyses investigating the relationship between personality and job performance have found that openness to experience is the least predictive of the Big Five factors. Moser, D. J., Jorge, R. E., Manes, F., Paradiso, S., Benjamin, M. L., & Robinson, R. G. (2002). Assessment, 25, 458482. How do I activate JavaScript in this web browser? The ACT matrix: A new approach to building psychological flexibility across settings and populations. Pakenham, K. I., Landi, G., Boccolini, G., Furlani, A., Grandi, S., & Tossani, E. (2020). A measuring instrument (RHETSEN) was developed and the, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. Cognitive flexibility in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 34(3), 241253. Marshall, E.-J., & Brockman, R. N. (2016). Rigidity is not solely characterized by decreased flexibility in an individuals behaviors and views. Behavior Therapy, 49(3), 435449. After you choose the goal, please write it in the following blankPPFI. Whiting DL, Deane FP, Ciarrochi J, McLeod HJ, Simpson GK. Psychological flexibility (PF) is a popular construct in clinical psychology. Hayes, S. C., Luoma, J. Book Psychological flexibility could be a crucial psychological resilience factor against the adverse impact of nurses' burnout on their mental health problems and well-being during COVID-19. Martin, M. M., & Rubin, R. B. The relationships between psychological flexibility, self-compassion, and emotional well-being. In: Stolerman I., Price L. (eds) Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology. Where appropriate, case examples and annotations are also included. Boksa, P. (2013). Problems with the current use of the AAQ-II were apparent, hindering current knowledge of PF. Yet, much of what we know, or think we know, about psychological flexibility hinges on a single measurement approach using the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ and AAQ-II). which are the general mental functions that help us to cordinate The impact of psychiatric classification on mental health practice and research. Decentering reflects psychological flexibility in people with chronic pain and correlates with their quality of functioning. Cognitive control and flexibility in the context of stress and depressive symptoms: The cognitive control and flexibility questionnaire. On the other hand, it includes the ability to act in accordance with personal values. Welcome to "My Flexibility Scores". Reliability was demonstrated by a Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.918. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 20, 172-183. Two hexaflexes are presented, one with core problems (top) and the other with core processes (below). Kashdan, T. B., & Rottenberg, J. Exploring the relationship between cognitive flexibility and psychological flexibility after acquired brain injury. Psychology, Medicine. Psychological flexibility in older adulthood: a scoping review. Monests, J. L., Villatte, M., Mouras, H., Loas, G., & Bond, F. W. (2009). JOMSIGN: Journal of Multicultural Studies in Guidance and Counseling, 3(1), 6474. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Addiction Research & Theory, 19(1), 313. Oxford University Press. Predicting anxiety: The role of experiential avoidance and anxiety sensitivity. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. A New Tool for Measuring a Child's Psychological Flexibility, 24-item self-report measure that is completed by the child, Can be done independently or with adult support, Visual Scale is included to support child responding, Any child participating in the AIM curriculum should be able to complete this measure, 24-itemmeasure that is completed by an adult familiar with the child. Fuchs, T. (2009). << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2219. Which outcome variables are associated with psychological inflexibility/flexibility for chronic pain patients? Keywords: The role of body image psychological flexibility on the treatment of eating disorders in a residential facility. Psychological flexibility is the ability to respond to stimuli in a manner that is functional given a particular context, and that is congruent with personal values (Kashdan & Rottenberg, 2010 ). The article presents the development of the Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire (PFQ) on the basis of two studies. Bohil, C. J., Alicea, B., & Biocca, F. A. Its main features include: The Psy-Flex Questionnaire is based on the assumption that there are natural variations in the need and importance of applying psychological flexibility in everyday life. Psychological flexibility is often measured with the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-2 (AAQ-2; Bond et alii, 2011), which is a single-factor instrument inspecting the whole of experiential avoidance and its counterpart, psychological flexibility. Yao X, Xu X, Chan KL, Chen S, Assink M, Gao S. J Affect Disord. Bjorklund, D. F., & Harnishfeger, K. K. (1995)., DOI: Stange, J. P., Alloy, L. B., & Fresco, D. M. (2017). Responses to depression and their effects on the duration of depressive episodes. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 33, 195201. Understanding psychological flexibility: A multimethod exploration of pursuing valued goals despite the presence of distress. The moderating roles of psychological flexibility and inflexibility on the mental health impacts of COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown in Italy. Levin ME, Luoma JB, Lillis J, Hayes SC, Vilardaga R. J Contextual Behav Sci. Psychological inflexibility mediates the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and mental health outcomes. Developing the scale We created an item pool of over 550 items (including 22 of the most widely used scales from the ACT and mindfulness literatures) and gave those items . Audet, J.-N., & Lefebvre, L. (2017). The Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI) Authors: Ronald D Rogge University of Rochester Abstract Content uploaded by Ronald D Rogge Author content Content may be subject. Anodal tDCS over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex modulates cognitive processing of emotional information as a function of trait rumination in healthy volunteers. This article reports the development of a communication flexibility scale and corresponding, Abstract Two studies examine the psychometric properties and socio-demographic correlates of the General Self-efficacy Scale (GSE) (Jerusalem and Schwarzer, 1986; Schwarzer, 1993). From there on, you can continue with relevant specialized measurements. Shortcuts using static measurement approaches are perilous, and likely to lead to misunderstandings of flexibilitys antecedents, correlates, and consequences (Kashdan & Rottenberg, 2010). A model of socioemotional flexibility at three time scales. Health Psychology, 32(7), 820823. (2011). Google Scholar. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 55, 88101. Principles of self-regulation: The nature of willpower and self-control ET Higgins AW Kruglanski Eds Social psychology: Handbook of basic principles. (2006). Psychopathology and the human connectome: Toward a transdiagnostic model of risk for mental illness. Epub 2022 May 13. Cherry, K. M., Vander Hoeven, E., Patterson, T. S., & Lumley, M. N. (2021). FOIA Front Psychol. The case for the development and use of ecologically valid measures of executive function in experimental and clinical neuropsychology. Philosophical Studies, 165(3), 11651176. (2013). Findings highlight the importance of pain education, formulating and acting in line with personal values, and communication around the pain experience, as well as the need for developmental and individual adaptations of interventions. Psychological flexibility: What we know, what we do not know, and what we think we know. xZRF}`Nl?p! Lehrer, P. M. (2018). Multi-language comparison across 16 languages: coordinated by G. Presti and G. Aydin. 2022 Feb 15:1-13. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2022.2036948. The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-II) is a widely used questionnaire measuring experiential avoidance and psychological inflexibility . 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. (Download here). Acceptance and commitment therapy and contextual behavioral science: Examining the progress of a distinctive model of behavioral and cognitive therapy. Palm, K. M., & Follette, V. M. (2011). 2015). Individual differences in reappraisal effectiveness: The role of affective flexibility. of the Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire (PFQ) and evaluates its reliability and validity. Bond, F. W., Hayes, S. C., Baer, R. A., Carpenter, K. C., Guenole, N., Orcutt, H. K., & Zettle, R. D. (2011). A lack of psychological, This paper focuses on pinpointing the existence of a relationship between the variables family resilience, cognitive flexibility and parents transformative learning experiences. Dennis, J. P., & Vander Wal, J. S. (2010). Shawnee Scientific Press, 2018. To do so, we propose a presentation of the notions, as well as perspectives to improve actual assessment, especially in its ecological aspects. Monests, J. L., & Baeyens, C. (2016). Substance abuse and psychological flexibility: The development of a new measure. Emotion Review, 5(4), 397405. (2006). de Boer, M. J., Steinhagen, H. E., Versteegen, G. J., Struys, M. M., & Sanderman, R. (2014). Psychological Assessment, 26(4), 13811387. Demetriou, C., Ozer, B. U., & Essau, C. A. The second study refined this measure and tested the relationships between parental psychological flexibility, parent and adolescent outcomes. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 100(4), 569582. Its main features include: Brevity (6 items) Context sensitivity Treatment sensitivity Excellent validity Simple language Numerous translations Article Epub 2022 Oct 7. They are not just seen as ways of counterbalancing psychological dysfunction, but as positive psychological skills suitable for anyone wishing to live a balanced life. PLoS ONE, 7(1), e28331.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The overarching aim of ACT is to improve psychological flexibility, which is the act of being open in an intentional manner to direct experiences as they occur and to engage in behaviors consistent with valued life directions (Hayes et al. 1395 [ DOI: 10.18869/acadpub.shefa.4.3.18 ] Explanation of Psychological Problems Based on Cognitive Flexibility and Self Differentiation Hossein Eskandari1, Shima Pajouhinia1*, Yalda Abavisani2 1 Psychological Department, Education and Psychology Faculty, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran 2 Counseling . Exploring the nature of cognitive flexibility. (PDF, 102.12 KB). Johnco, C., Wuthrich, V. M., & Rapee, R. M. (2014). Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience: JPN, 38(2), 7577. 4 0 obj Epub 2015 Jul 9. ), Handbook of implicit cognition and addiction (p. 1128). Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study. As you practice the many tools and techniques presented in A Liberated Mind, you might notice your psychological flexibility starting to improve. It seems that the CFS can be used for research, but you need to All rights reserved, Experiential avoidance where events, thoughts, and feelings are avoided. Cognitive effects of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: A systematic review. Examination of the prevalence, familial concordance, and correlates of diagnostic uncertainty in children and their parents presenting to a multidisciplinary pain clinic in the United States found that parents who believed that something else was going on with their childs pain had children with higher avoidance of pain-related activities and lower pain willingness. 2023 Feb 10;11:1084467. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1084467. Psychological flexibility (PF) refers on the one hand tothe ability to be aware ofand open to internal and external stimuli. Findings (after. This page lists different questionnaires for you to assess your psychological flexibility across a range of different areas. Dunod. Oxford University Press. Masuda, A., Mandavia, A., & Tully, E. C. (2014). Psychological Assessment, 27(2), 415423. Associations between psychological inflexibility and mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic: A three-level meta-analytic review. Being chronically low in PF could lead to greater DIDF and thereby worse mental health and having more PF promotes the ability to identify and differentiate the nuances of pleasant and unpleasant emotions, which enhances an individual's mental health. Embodied cognitive neuroscience and its consequences for psychiatry. Kashdan and Rottenberg (2010) define psychological flexibility as the ability to . Would you like email updates of new search results? Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. A hesitant defense of introspection. Lloyd, J., Bond, F. W., & Flaxman, P. E. (2013). Gloster AT, Block VJ, Klotsche J, et al. Hayes, S., Luoma, J., Bond, F., Masuda, A., & Lillis, J.