west coast ham radio nets

If you continue to use this site, you consent to the use of those cookies. Please send us an email if you are using others that you think should be listed, or you have updates to any listings [emailprotected]. 20:00 EST PAGES AND NETS 6 METERS These are great tools for HF and knowing what the conditions are if you plan on trying to make contacts on a particular . SCARS - South Coast Amateur Radio Service Website: http://www.w7lt.org/. Tues Please join our weekly Outdoors Net every Thursday from 8:05PM-9:00PM PST. 7.188 MHz, except between 1545 to 1700 UTC, when it moves to 7.243 MHz. Central American Breakfast Club 7,083 LSB / alt. - 00:00 UTC Provide current weather analysis and forecasts for cruising yachts and fishermen in the SW Pacific plus position and progress of boats that leave NZ. 3.911 Old Tube CW All times to be considered UTC time unless specified otherwise. 774 Wisteria Dr West Coast 3.880 mHZ 8:00 PM Local West Coast Time. Sun County Hunters Net. 3.755 We take check-ins starting with the first call district thru the 5th, then the 8th thru the 10th, and finishing with the 6th and 7th call districts. . South Central 3.890 mHZ 6:30 PM CST Day: Saturdays Winston VFW Ham Swap Meet, Winston Oregon. NA6R Photo Gallery . The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. Read More. Net Information: Our primary linked repeaters of the Western Oregon Radio Club, Inc. The Western States DMR Network is an open DMR repeater system. Texas Traders Net Run by a consortium of net controllers in NZ and Australia. -- Subscription Info, IOTA - Islands on the Air Frequencies (See Awards Section for Details) USCG Amateur Radio Net and 3970 kHz. An amateur radio net, or simply ham net, is an "on-the-air" gathering of amateur radio operators. . We would be pleased to have you check into the ECARS net. seed--; Seems current Panama Pacific Net, 8143 kHz at 14:00 daily. 00:00 UTC "Radios That Glow in the Dark" net. Rag of the Air (Fiji) in 8173 at 19:00. W1AW Operating Schedule - American Radio Relay League Leans towards the irreverent and informal. Monday - Saturday, 9am to 1pm Eastern time. (As of May, 2012 this net is shut down because of erratic propagation, but it is coming soon). Dennis L. Hall, KK7X. 13:00 UTC 9:00 County All Hams, General Class and above, are welcome to check in as well. Website: https://www.kc7nyr.com/linux. Welcome to the Western States DMR Network West Coast Noon Time Net ARRL NET SEARCH All these nets are in the AM mode on 6M! 3980 AM or SSB Swan history at Radio Museum. Last referenced Sep 2015, Pacific Magellan (Boats in Tahiti and/or eastward (Tuamotus, Marquesas) at 17:30 and (Boats in Tahiti or westward (Leewards, Cooks, Tonga, etc)) on 8.173 /Alt 8,137 / 8,294Mhz Last referenced Nov 2015 probably still current. 2000z WWW.WARFA.ORG, ARRL NET SEARCH Below we've compiled a list of active weekly digital nets. FOR ALL THE UPCOMING SWAPMEETS, TIMES, LOCATIONS, ETC. Linux User Net every Monday from 8:10PM-9:00PM PST.on the linked K7RPT Repeaters, Our primary repeaters are the 147.32, 442.325, 444.400, 444.125 and 147.04 megahertz linked repeaters all having a 100hZ tone, also the 146.72 megahertz repeater on Wickiup Mountain with a 114.8 hz tone. the week. 1:00 PM Sun. timerTwo=window.setTimeout(cmd,100); related equipment. National Traffic System One such system of nets is the National Traffic System (NTS), organized and operated by members of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) to handle routine and emergency messages on a nationwide and local basis. - -- From The 3905 Century Club Frequency: 14.329 Welcome to the WIN System. day of the week, starting with those the Pacific Northwest VHF Society. 00:00 UTC 11:00 3803 Roundtable Net Hunter Mail List Reflectors -- Weekly Nets (VE7VIC repeater): Monday Night Net 7pm (all welcome); Trans-Canada IRLP Net Wed. 8am; ECT Net Wed. 7pm; YL Net Thursday 7pm; Trans-Canada DStar Net on C-Module Friday 6pm Starts in the East and goes West Saturday Morning Breakfasts: Apple Tree Family Restaurant, 1501 Admirals Rd, Every Saturday 9AM. Kenwood Hybrid Nets (Kenwood gear with Tubes) 7230-7235khz Saturday at 3:30 Eastern. ~16:00 PST some HF Nets accessible in San Joaquin Valley Jim Hollabaugh The primary purpose of our net is to provide a place for Hams with RVs to make contact on the road, and to report weather and travel conditions in their area. 3.803 Albany West Coast Nets - DockSide Radio Comedy NetDaily meeting on 7.087 MHz at 2040 Zulu (just after the Australian MSL wefax broadcast). For the buying, selling and trading of AM and AM Manana Net West Coast 3.880mHZ8:00 PM Local West Coast Time, 10 Meter CCA AM Net Sundays on 29.050 mHz at 12 Noon central (1800Z). . Thur The Organization was founded to continue the efforts, begun in 1961, by Project OSCAR, a west coast USA-based group which built and launched the very first Amateur Radio satellite, OSCAR, on December 12, 1961, barely four years after the launch of Russia's first Sputnik. PolyMagNetSSB Radio Net in Polynesia8173 kHz USB at 1800 UTC and 0400 UTC (8:00 AM and 6:00 PM Tahiti local time) 7 days a week. Management Net West 3.990 LSB Sunday 9:00 am PA Emg. IF YOU KNOW OF A NET THAT'S MOVED/CHANGED/DISBANDED, LEY ME KNOW. Contact us for more information. The net is sanctioned to meet on the linked repeaters of the Western Oregon Radio Club, Inc. North Central 3.880mHz7:00 PM CST Westcoast Amateur Radio Association - Website of the Westcoast Amateur Eastern This net meets regularly on the first Wednesday of each month. hwn.org. -- 3128 Counties, Parishes or Independent Cities in the USA, The Important information if heading to South Africa. Marine Radio on a Cruising Sailboat: Radio Nets, Weather Broadcasts and 7240 KHz immediately after the West Coast Swap net on Saturdays and Sundays. MHz RVARC - Nets else 1996-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) The DXZone.com - Terms of Use, Copyright & Privacy Policy, [ Hits: 1911 | Votes: 6 | Rating: 8.17 ], [ Hits: 3842 | Votes: 3 | Rating: 4.67 ], [ Hits: 1815 | Votes: 8 | Rating: 5.12 ], [ Hits: 11746 | Votes: 24 | Rating: 6.17 ], [ Hits: 3202 | Votes: 9 | Rating: 3.56 ], [ Hits: 2051 | Votes: 8 | Rating: 9.76 ], [ Hits: 5452 | Votes: 10 | Rating: 6.5 ], [ Hits: 1852 | Votes: 6 | Rating: 4.67 ], [ Hits: 1397 | Votes: 28 | Rating: 8.28 ]. Current Ham Radio Conditions - HAM Radio for Non-Techies Coverage: South BC, WA, OR, CA, NV, ID, MT . -- Frequencies & Nets G E N E R A L M E E T I N G , T H I R D T H U R S D A Y @ 1 9 : 0 0 . . Brandmeister DMR Nets - W0WC YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A HAM TO . Central St Swap From The Six Meter World Wide DX Club, IOTA Pages Nets / SwapNets in Southern California 14300 USB Intercontinental marine net, 24 hours. . The W1YU Collegiate Amateur Radio Ne Tues - 8pm - t - New England Conference Server - IRLP 9127 . 21402 USB Pacific maritime net, afternoons. along the east coast of the US. Baja-California These nets are to be determinate not consistent with the spirit or comradery of the amateur radio hobby and will be removed from this list, or not added if requested. Frequency, 145.27, 145.43, 146.80, 443.150 and 442.525 MHz repeaters, all having a pl tone of 107.2. Canadian Our net begins at 11:00pm Pacific time on the Win System reflector 9100. which is the hub for 90 regularly linked repeaters plus visitors. Washington County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) exists for the purpose of providing backup emergency communications to many served agencies in Washington County, Oregon. Nightly 21390 USB East coast Halo net, daytime. if (seed > 100) K9ZEV-R Tues - 8pm - Techlink Conf - - Peru,In - node #692641 . 3.985 Sun Hunter.com -- Loaded -- By 14325 USB Hurricane nets. webmaster@pnwvhfs.org. held daily. NA6R - WA6USL Swap List var cmd="scrollit_r21(" + seed + ")"; This is followed by general check-ins for technical questions or in for the numbers (just a howdy hello) based on the call district you live in. -- HHH Net -- WAS and DX net in the 40 Meter SSB Band. For HF Portable Home Page FOR ACTIVE current, comprehensive lists of Cruiser HAM & SSB nets: Dockside Radio: Net. The NTTN net meets daily at 6:05 p.m. Western Area Traffic Nets (sorted by Winter Time - evening Nets may be 1-2 hours earlier, depending on propagation) . Swan Technical Nets - Wednesday 2200GMT on 14292Khz. 7:00PM Clackamas County (CARES) Net, (100.0) 147.120 MHz Edinburg, Scotland area.Also random times during You need to be logged in to use member only content. Click Here How To Obtain A Ham License. The Wednesday Night Casual Net is held from 8:00 PM until 8:30 PM Wednesday evenings on the 146.96 MHz repeater. developments and techniques in HF portable operation. K3UK The YL International Single Side-band System (YLISSB) was founded in 1963.Despite its name, the System is open to both YLs and OMs members. 21:00 UTC operates during the cruising season May to about October at 0815 hrs local time Vanuatu (UTC +11). communications. Current Ham Radio Propagation Conditions. Princeville, IL 61559 Amateur Radio Newsline: Sun at 01:25 UTC and Net to follow at 02:00 UTC 70cm 442 250 000 ( RB ) SEARCH THE WEB OR THE AC6V WEBSITE, Search the entire AC6V website (all 133 pages). West Virginia DMR and Service net: Thu: 20:00 EST: West Virginia 3154: Louisiana Net: Thu: 20:00 CST: . The North American Youth Net Amateur Radio Nets - Radio Amateurs of Canada Heath/DX-60 Users Oregon The work is easy and lots of fun too. 13:00 UTC Maritime Net -- a long NSN had a very nice sound in CW, "dah di, di di di, dah di." wa9vrh@wildblue.net Amateur radio can be operated nearly worldwide, however, certain restrictions may exist and advanced . This Net will start Monday, February 18th on 147.320 & 442.325 pl 100. Amateur radio, commonly referred to as "Ham" radio, is popular among the yachting and small boat community as a means of providing communications and receiving weather information. This repeater has a positive 600kHz offset and a tone of 100.0 Hz. New TALARC net on West Coast. National Weather Service Products via Amateur "Ham" Radio. New Zealand Netradio1nz.com/nznetVessels with radiotelegraph capability are welcome to check into the New Zealand Net on 3535kHz Mon-Fri at 2100 hours NZ time. Groups of nets may organize and operate in collaboration for a common purpose, such as to pass along emergency messages in time of disaster. Country Club Nets - Tamiami Amateur Radio Club (562) 858-2883(cell) The CW speeds are to high. -- Avoid the Big Guns, QRP Mail List Reflectors -- Subscription Info, K3UK Manana Net Sat United States Coast Guard Amateur Radio Club - W5CGC RV Service Net International - Official RV Service Net Website } Disclaimer: SMARC provides this list of nets for informational purposes only. Post Falls, ID. 3.975 You can find us onW7NK and Oregon Repeater Associates, the EXH repeaters 441.35 MHz (+), with a tone of 100.0 Hz (W7EXH) & 145.31 MHz (-), with a tone of 123.0 Hz (N7EXH). USCG CW Operators Assn ZUT Net - Thursday 1130 EST/0830 PST 14.052 mHz. The 75-meter nets are designed to be very informal with open discussions and the least amount of structure possible. Amigo Net (very popular/helpful for Pacific Mexico) 1400(UTC) Daily 4149/4146. Active boaters net and source of best weather broadcast available in Mexico. 8,101 at 21:15. Assistant Manager W9EC Ray Lischka - Added the flyer for the May 6. Sailing Links Sun Midwest Country Cousins Net AMSAT's goal is to foster Amateur Radio's participation in space research and communication. Hunter Aid -- Search for All are welcome to join. West Coast Slow Speed Net (WCN) Purpose of net is officially: a training net in traffic and net procedures. Sailing This list represents the nets we have information for. PNW Nets, Please send additions and corrections to HF You can also join us via 147.040 IRLP NODE #7959 or 147.320 ECHOLINK: K7RPT-L on The Amateur Radio RelayGroup (ARRG) System. HURRICANE Saturday 2-3:30PM eastern time on 7235Khz. At other times Ham Radio Operators like you deliver radiograms as a public service. 14183 +/-, Daily, 0515 UTC with various VK, ZL and Stateside net controllers. . The first hour of the net is dedicated to Buy, Sell, Swap, and Wants. North Card Net We are looking for stations to help run our nets as a Net Control Operator (NCOs). 3.938 {out+=" ";} Nemo's HF Frequencies Nightly Last updated August 2013, Pacific Inter-Island Net (Micronesia & up to Hawaii) 14.315 MHz at 0800 (UTC) No website activity since 2005. National Traffic System The Noontime Net is a public service Amateur Radio Net that meets everyday on 7284 kHz. The West Coast Boaters' Net 3860 KHz (formerly 3855 KHz) at 18:00 PDT, usually June to the end of September, . var out = " "; Sat Fri, 17 Feb 2023 . May 14, 2020 Wikipedia: Amateur Radio Net. Chubasco Net (U.S. Pacific Coast throughout Sea of Cortez and as far south as Manzanillo and out to Hawaii) 7.192 Mhz (0745 Pacific Time and Pacific DST when applicable). Connecticut Amateur Radio Association. QRP Calling Frequencies 3975 Traders Net Malcolm Keown, W5XX Section Manager 64 Lake Circle Drive Vicksburg MS 39180 (601) 636-0827 H (601) 638-3995 w5xx@arrl.org. You are here: BLUEWATER NET 6516 KHz - USB Daily @ 02:00Z. Operating 14:00 UTC Resources Country Cousins Nets, WESTERN AMATEUR RADIO California Hawaii Net (Pacific E, NW and Hawaii)14.320 MHz at 1600(UTC)This net has been active for more than fifty years. They may go up or down Slightly if there is QRM. July 2019: Tonys Net updated with information from SYAlice Colleen of Montreal. Sunday Original 20m 14.263 mHz at 2000 UTC SSB Columbia Basin Net : SSB: 3960: . Frequency: 7275. If you miss checking in when your call district is called, dont worry, youll have plenty of time to check-in during late check-ins at the end of the net. Fri First licensed in Fallon, Nevada in 1962, I was manager of the net in Corvallis and then Monmouth, Oregon for awhile around about 1976 - 78 and my mom, WB7OEX, after that. Nets - West Coast at heatherk.com -- Also some WX and HF transceiver St. Clair County Illinois Radio Club 2 Meter AM Fri Most of us are vertical and some are horz. Most NCS run 10 wpm. West Coast AMI World MM Nets - a Cruising Guide on the World Cruising and Sailing Wiki Navigation. timerTwo=window.setTimeout("scrollit_r21 (100)", 75); East PM EST DX NETS ALPHABETICALLY 3.919 State, WAS & DX Net traffic for mariners who are out of touch with friends and family. Canadian Ladies Amateur Radio Association (CLARA) Net: https://clarayl.ca/nets/. 0930 . -- IOTA Lists, News, DXpeditions, IOTA Contest Mail List Reflectors SWAPNETS: HAM PAGES by AF4K - IONOS During disasters or other emergencies, radiograms are used to communicate information critical to saving lives or property, or to inquire about the health or welfare of a disaster victim. Become an ECARS Member. KK7N CN85tn. 6 Horse Traders This net meets daily from 7:30 to 8:00 PM local time for the purpose of preparation and coordination of District 1 ARES communications in the event of an actual emergency. On The Air -- Pics and lots of links, YL The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Pacific Maritime Mobile Service Nethttp://www.pmmsn.net/Nets begin at 2100 UTC hours every dayNets close at 2400 UTC hours every day15-meter band wide area coverage on 21.412 Mhz USBNot limited to the Pacific OceanFelix Dudley W4FDD Email:[emailprotected] Last reference Nov 2015. Subscription Info, COUNTY WCN provides a place for you to learn message handling at a much lower speed: 10 WPM. w6dq@att.netCCA Member #AC12-12644, 10 Meter CCA Sunday AM Net (This net is currently on hold due to erratic propagation), Copyright 2012, 2014 Collins Collectors Association BOAT ANCHORS For more information, please contact any of our Net Managers or give your name and telephone number to any Net Control Stations on any CCA net. Mississippi Nets - arrlmiss.org Each Net Control Station (NCS) is required to transmit at no more than ten words per minute. CW: 3530, 7030, 10115, 14040, 18098, 21040 khz, County Hunter Mail List Reflectors This net is in operation almost any time band conditions WESTERN AMATEUR RADIO For past Linux User Net sessions visit The Linux Page. working in remote areas with communications expertise and equipment, Midwest Country Cousins Net ( -) PL136.5 Hz. Check out the weekly net, Monday nights at 7:00pm on 146.840, no tone. - This net meets daily from 7:30 to 8:00 PM local time for the purpose of preparation and coordination of District 1 ARES communications in the event of an actual emergency. nondenominational nonprofit Christian ministry supporting field missionaries 3965. ARRL Net Directory Search - American Radio Relay League Antigua / Antilles. for Boaters -- Lots of info here Coordinate via, See Pacific NW 2m Net above, covers Portland as well, Both horiz and vertical capable, 350w ERP, 4 x 9WL M2 yagis, vertically stacked, 75W. West Coast Net. Home. Start Time N1YZ's HF NET LISTING Modified --> 4/23/2017 15:02 Winter Summer M:\HFNET_LIST UTC and Central Times Additions/Corrections? Live streaming. Knight-kit Net. Sun NA6R Link Pages. Hurricane Frequencies East Coast 3.880 mHz AM Night 7:00 PM EST Ten-Tec Users Several land-based regulars wholl help solve local problems. hearing nothing, might assume the net is cancelled. Most nets convene on a regular schedule and specific frequency, and are organized for a particular purpose, such as relaying messages, discussing a common topic of interest, in severe weather (for example, during a Skywarn activation), emergencies, or simply as a . B O A R D M E E T I N G , S E C O N D T H U R S D A Y @ 1 9 : 0 0"; 20 Meter Sunday Afternoon Net (14.263 mHz), W6TMU Jim covering 16 states and 2 other countries. Frequency, 145.27, 145.43, 146.80, 443.150 and 442.525 MHz repeaters, all having a pl tone of 107.2. -- From The Buckeye Belle's Pages, YL's Net Information: Meets Daily 7:30-PM-8:00PM on the linked K7RPT Repeaters, Our primary repeaters are the 147.32, 442.325, 444.400, 444.125 and 147.04 megahertz linked repeaters all having a 100hZ tone, also the 146.72 megahertz repeater on Wickiup Mountain with a 114.8 hz tone. VALLEY HAMS RAG Morse California Amateur Radio Service Net www.californiaamateurradioservice.com Monday - Friday : 1830Z: 14.290: OMISS Net: see www.OMISS.net for other frequencies and schedule: 1130: Fullerton, CA 92835 function scrollit_r21(seed) Below is a list of HF nets available to local Ham's with the right equipment. This Site is Updated Often. 11729 N Evans Mill Rd The Northwest Oregon Traffic and Training net is a affiliated with the Radio Relay International Traffic System. Net Control Stations - K2CMT, K2SHF, KD2VNU, W2BLT.- . Forpermission to reproduce anything on this site please contact the society at Management Net East 3.9875 LSB Sunday 9:00 am Century Club Late Net 3.902 LSB Daily 6:00 pm WPA Phone and Traffic Net 3.983 LSB Daily 6:00 pm EPA Phone and Traffic Net 3.917 LSB Daily 6:00 pm 160 Meter Nets 160 Meter Net 1.893 LSB The CCA needs YOUR help! They are one of the key reasons for investing in a SSB or HAM radio system. Cubic Astro 103 Restoration Notes from W7CPA. Coffee Net: Mon Wed Fri: 08:00 PST: Treasure Coast 31123: Pennsylvania Statewide: Tue: 20:00 EST: . info. Whether you talk to the Pacific Seafarers Net, the Maritime Mobile Service Net, or the Intercon Net, all the net controls support cruising sailors (and other mobile operators), handoff well to one another, and have robust links to official responders. Saturday 2-3:30PM eastern time on 7242Khz. Country Cousins Nets French Net13940 kHz at 0300Z (French)The frequency is still available and they also use 8335 kHz. Supports, and reports on, the annual migration of cruising sailors from the West Coast of the Americas to French Polynesia. history of handling Cheers and 73 from Jim and Ann Cate (N9GFT/VK4GFT) s/v Insatiable II, Far North Radio (NZ Kaipara, Brett Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu)Provide an SSB (hf) service to vessels transiting to/from the Pacific and Tasman sea areas.See Noonsite Report for more details.1800-1900 hours New Zealand daylight time 6.516MHz1900-1930 hours New Zealand daylight time 4.417MHz. Please Join us every Monday evening at 8:00 pm for our weekly Beaverton CERT Net. Washington DC area. Frequency, 145.27, 145.43, 146.80, 443.150 and 442.525 MHz repeaters, all having a pl tone of 107.2. Cousins Nets FOR ALL THE UPCOMING SWAPMEETS, TIMES, LOCATIONS, ETC. To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. Then, click on the red marker to open the add anchorage window. The separate sites are linked using RF linking to allow users on any local repeater to be heard on any of the other repeaters. 1:00 PM Sun. COUNTY HUNTERS In addition to our 85 Ragchew Net every Tuesday at 6:30 Pre-net, 6:45 pm Net Start.444.85 + 110.9 PL. This net meets every Sunday evening at 8:10 P.M. local time on this K7RPT 147.040 MHz repeater. Seems current Panama Connection, 8107 kHz at 0930 UTC daily. If you live in the Northwest and you are a ham radio operator and learning CW (Morse Code), this is the place for you. At times, SMARC receives notices that a net may be blatantly dismissing FCC rules and regulations, or has been found to be discriminatory, fanatical or extremist in nature when it comes to discrimination, political or religious topics or advances any kind of anti-governmental ideas or philosophies. Palm Coast W4FPC 147.0750 Palm Coast W4FPC 147.0750 Tallahassee NX4DN 444.1750 Tallahassee Send email to N1YZ at ARRL dot NET UTC UTC Freq Band Net Name & Descriptin and all times in CENTRAL Weekday If you have updated info on these- share with me-TNX ! Sat Tip: If viewing from a mobile phone, try turning your phone sideways for a better view of the chart! Sailing Nets - West Coast at heatherk.com -- Also some WX and HF transceiver info. That west coast 40 meter swapnet thoughIt's on every weekend RTTY Nets Alaska Statewide NET - 10:30pm CST TG 3100 Great guys and open to everyone. Net Information: Meets Daily 7:30-PM-8:00PM on the linked K7RPT Repeaters, Our primary repeaters are the 147.32, 442.325, In memory in Les Find out more at https://passageguardian.nz, contact: [emailprotected]. All licensed hams are welcome, esp. CW Nets AMers Florida Traders Net Below you'll find some info submitted directly from local clubs. The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U.S. with news, information and resources. WEEKDAYS RAG CHEW & SWAP NET . 1st Wednesday AM (each month) Join one or all of them! DX NETS BY UTC TIME, OKDXA ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 hq@arrl.org