did mapleshade's kits go to starclan

If she can't keep herself safe then she's no use to you. . There's a massive difference what Mapleshade did to any of Greystripe's killings. Yet he goes to StarClan and Mapleshade doesn't even though they both have similar motives (wanting to punish the cats that hurt them.) This leads me to my final theory, which is the only thing that I think truly makes sense: cats choose to go to StarClan or the Dark Forest. In her desperation to get her kits to safety, Mapleshade tried to take themacross the river to seek refuge in RiverClan. What If Mapleshade didn't make her kits go into the river? 2. They should live as rogues and loners because that's what they are! Created by Meks. Patchkit interrupts crossly that he did not, he was just resting. Id first like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who participated anyone who Ivywish shares their opinion on the warrior code. Greystripe was killings in battle, 2 . She looked feverish. Mapleshade almost spoke, but it was someone else who defended her. Mapleshade suppressed a purr; Larchkit always made her laugh. For now, you don't need to know anything else. I love them, and I love you.. I started to take it over to the medicine cat den, but someone interrupted me. She became cold, vicious, ruthless, manipulative,and obsessively vengeful, her psychedistorting to the point of insanity. I felt bad for ya girl. I totally agree about Ashfur haha. If only you were here. But they face distrust due to their half-Clan heritage. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It was entirely, 100% her fault. Mapleshade is a large, thick-furred,tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with amber eyes, anda long, thick, fluffy, white tail. Then mayyybbeeee you could make the argument that Hollyleaf did not go to the Dark Forest because her motives were good she murdered Ashfur to protect her family and Clan because the secret of their parentage getting out would damage them somehow. Mapleshade wasambitious and enjoyed their admiration, and was also compassionate and affable, as she was usually polite to other cats and felt sympathy for Ravenwing for being ThunderClan's only medicine cat. Hesuma friend of your fathers, Mapleshade added quickly. Of course. I dashed outside, nodding to Crimsonwish. Do you make that promise? I went through the agony of bearing your kits! Or, I think the case could also be made that she killed Ashfur out of self-defense/ to protect the clan because he was clearly unhinged and a threat. What you have done here is more terrible than anything a Clan cat has done before. If only they knew. I promise you they will grow up just like Birchface, youll see.Ravenwing nodded, understanding. True. You will regret this, Appledusk. 674 takers Report. Spottedpaw dreams herself into the Place of No Stars, and goes to find Thistleclaw. . If Ashfur and Hollyleaf has a lot of loved ones in StarClan who wanted them there, maybe they were called there, in a manner of speaking. Are Mapleshade kits in Starclan? Under Mapleshade's influence, Tigerstar killed many Clan cats in his quest to rule the entire forest, eventually uniting ShadowClan and RiverClan as TigerClan briefly. Mapleshade and her kits were then exiled by Oakstar astraitors. Of course, this then begs the question: what is the criteria for a bad cat? Darkstripe was loyal to a murderous cat, he tried to kill a child. Imagine the power we could have the revenge we could take. No matter what she did, she just couldnt make Sandstorm suffer, so she made Firestar suffer;by killing Spottedleaf. Wouldnt they be happier in StarClan than the lonely, miserable Dark Forest? Like what level of a bad thing does a cat have to do or think or whatever to go to the Dark Forest? To be honest, I was a little stung by that comment. You get rejected from StarClan if you truly are evil. (Although thats a bit of a stretch imo.) Mapleshadebravely triedto save her kits, and almost drowned herself in doing so, but ultimately failed. Are Mapleshade kits in Starclan? (when he was an apprentice)All of the promises, lectures, yelling, scolding, and fighting was so that he wouldnt end up like her. This is where my issue with the Dark Forest is since who is sent to the Dark Forest or not seems rather arbitrary. As for point 3) yes, I agree that is really a terrible reason, and I honestly cannot believe that it is actually the case. While he fell in love with Snowfur, Thistleclaw despised her sister, Bluestar. She is banished from ThunderClan. When the Clans moved to new territories, Mapleshade followed and plotted with the other Dark Forest cats to destroy them once and for all, takingin and training more living recruits than ever before. I should have had all that! She also killed Frecklewish, who watched her kits drown, and Ravenwing, who revealed her secret as a result of an omen from StarClan, killing three cats in total. Mapleshade murdered kitties because Apple-whats-his-face turned his back on her, and all her kits died and she imagined they were telling her to kill the "wrongdo-ers". It is unclear why Oakstar wanted to know the father of the kits, but he was likely looking for punishment for her. I could take over the body of a nice, young she-cat-that would do me just fine. He told her he loved her more than anything. As aresult, shewas held in high esteem by her Clanmates, who believed she would one day become deputy and then leader. Shes not like Rainflower (Crookedstars mother) or Onestar, who abandoned her kits because of choice! Mapleshade watched them, amused and satisfied. And we know that, after their death, Mapleshade was haunted by their cries and kills three people to free them. Momma, whos that? Patchkit asked quietly. If only I could truly raise them with you., Mapleshade closed her eyes and smiled sadly. Mapleshade was both heartbroken and enraged, and vowed revenge. For now, you don't need to know anything else. Larchkit, Pachkit, and Petalkit were adorable and didnt deserve to drown and die instantly. Kill Frecklewish.Kill Appledusk (all succeeded).Kill Reedshine and her unborn kittens (failed).Make murder victims' descendants suffer (succeeded).To exact total vengeance on ThunderClan and RiverClan (failed)Make Crookedstar evil (failed)Make Tigerstar evil (succeeded)Come back to the living world via possesion (Failed). And just as Mapleshade expected, a silhouette of a cat was waiting for them. This is due to the fact that,unlike most of the other major villains, whose evil actions are driven by a lust for something they've never had, Mapleshade's evil actions are driven by grief and anger over something she has lost. Come. But, this cant be the only criteria for entrance into the Dark Forest because other cats like Darkstripe, Thistleclaw and Hawkfrost are also in the Dark Forest, but none of them actually succeeded in murdering anyone. Mapleshade is listed number 4 on the Best of the Worstlist of Warriors villains. Petalkit sniffed the newcomer. A mate that loved me, kits that I could watch grow up and have kits of their own, the respect of my Clanmates! Momma knows whats best, mewed the one and only Patchkit, who Mapleshade adored how he would always stand up for her. Ashfurs motives were clearly bad, even though he never actually killed anyone. -kept it a secret She has a breakdown before she ran into the tunnels, but I think that was less about guilt about murdering Ashfur, and more about just general guilt surrounding breaking the warrior code and having everything she thought to be true collapsing around her. This led him to revealing the truth to the whole of ThunderClan. In the process, her kits drown in the river, and Mapleshade proceeds to go on a murdering spree to, in her eyes, avenge their deaths. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/WarriorCatsMapleshadesVengeance. People empathize with Mapleshade and defend her with the fact that her kits drowned. My next post will be about 5 cats that people think deserve the Dark Forest but dont (and one that absolutely does). I have walked beside you from the day you were born, guiding your paw steps, laying out your destiny before you. She had three kits, Patchkit, Petalkit, and Larchkit, and everyone was asking, "Why didn't you name one after Birchface? As she nurses, she asks Frecklewish to fetch her water. Be patient, and you will find out everything. There has been much confusion over Mapleshade's description. Mapleshade still felt a sickening in her stomach as she went back to camp. What do Chinese red noodle beans taste like? In the second paragraph (I think) Mapleshade was murdering, but im not sure if that counts as for fun. It's worth putting up with him for now, if he can do the same for us. Firestar is horrified, crying that Spottedleaf had promised to be there when he went to StarClan. Hey guys, today I figured that Id share something that has been bothering me about the series the apparent inconsistency between what cats are and are not sent to the Dark Forest. Hmm. Yall May ask why send the others to the Place of No Stars? Well my friends, heres the key: Oakstar Banished a newly queen and her three kits, resulting in them dying. Being ordered to leave RiverClan's territory without even getting to attend her kits' burial, Mapleshade was heartbroken and enraged all over again, and vowed revenge upon her former mate. She sees him in Mapleshade's training sessions, pummeling a light brown tabby she-cat. Im Appledusk, The dark cream tom replies. Ravenwing looked extremely shocked. She descended to the Dark Forest, and from there, Mapleshade continued to affect the lives of the living, such as attempting to ruin Crookedstar's life by making him give her a fateful promise, helping Tigerstar rise as ShadowClan's leader, and training Goosefeather. Ready to build her army. But, there is still one glaring example that trashes this whole theory anyway: Ashfur. This is a story about Mapleshade. He looked at me, reassurance in his eyes. So, I think theres enough evidence to say that Thistleclaws motives were bad. A nearby RiverClan patrol saved her, but to her horror, all three of her kits drowned, with Appledusk blaming her for their deaths. Mapleshade bravely tried to save her kits, and almost drowned herself in doing so, but ultimately failed. Mapleshade has mistakenly been mentioned with green eyes. Imagine raking your claws across some cat's pelt, and drawing real blood! Mapleshade, who is not known to have died, attempted . The reasons why she didnt go to the bridge was So.you know Birchface? Larchkit asks. I will never forget this. Those kits were Thunderclan kits but Frecklewish didn't care. ", Mapleshade demanding Crookedkit's fateful promise, Mapleshade is a ragged[11] tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat[12] with amber eyes.[13]. Hes been spending alot of time in the medicine cat den, and I really need an apprentice. She spends the night in a barn, and believes she can hear her three kits crying out for her. Warrior cats is about clans of feral cats surviving in the wild. However, Mapleshade was forced to surrender after Ashfur was defeated by the Lights in the Mist and fled. Seasons later, Mapleshade started working for Ashfur in the hopes of being able to live again. Patchkit interrupts crossly that he did not, he was just resting. After this she only hears two of her kits crying for her, and she thinks she needs to kill three cats total to properly avenge them. You will live to regret this day forever, ThunderClan, and that is a promise. StarClan really chose the wrong cat to try and mess up, because she just tried her best to protect her kits. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Yeah, agreed Mapleshade, pretending to be wistful. Only if you want to, though., Mapleshade was bewildered, but honored. Deathberries come from the dark-leaved yew bush and can be characterized by their bright red color. Mapleshade watched as the three kits ran up to sniff it. Oh my dear kits, you will be the best kits Thunderclan has ever seen. But on the contrary, Mapleshade just said, Go ahead., A stream somehow flowed into my den and brought along three water reeds with it. Ravenwing stated. In the recent months, and years, really, I've noticed that there have been a lot of people who, without much reason, just seem to defend Mapleshade and say she should go to Starclan, blah blah blah. Get some rest, Patchpaw. Crookedkit agreed. Mapleshade layed her head on his shoulder. Why?! Dunno, She murmured. Vicky has claimed she is tortoiseshell-and-white, She is also depicted as a tortoiseshell on the. warriorcats. After spending moons in the Dark Forest, her appearance became rather distorted andemaciated, witha scarred head, muzzle and face, and ragged, patched, matted fur. One thing which in my mind seems like a pretty obvious bad thing that could get someone sent to the Dark Forest is murder. I have walked beside you from the day you were born, guiding your paw steps, laying out your destiny before you. She whispers doubts into his head about his leadership skills and urges him to make it clear he's in charge. Thats my prey!. Mapleshade was once a good-hearted cat,bent on serving her Clan to her last breath. Nothing is known about her kithood, but it's said she was a bold, loyal and skillful warrior, known for her courage in facing enemies such as foxes, badgers and other cats. Let me know what you think and what you think of my theory/analysis! Second, the stepping stones are not the safest way to cross, and the map shows two perfectly good bridges that she could have used to cross. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Brokenstar | Tigerstar | Blackstar | Jaggedtooth | Darkstripe | Darktail | Sleekwhisker | Clawface | Redwillow | Juniperclaw, ThunderClan Mapleshade names her kits Petalkit, Patchkit and Larchkit. There, her lust for vengeance unsatisfied, she plotted against ThunderClan and RiverClan, the clans who cast her out. They have no right to be treated like this!! Ashfur, however, is a bit more complicated he never actually breaks the code he's only ever given the chance to make threats to murder in the case of trying to murder Jayfeather and his siblings. The river borrowed through the territories like a weaving snake, letting nothing get in its way. You must promise me that you will be loyal to your Clan above all other things. Cats like Tigerstar, Thistleclaw, and Brokenstar who viewed StarClan and stupid and weak simply did not want to go there after their deaths. He told you to wait. to be fair more than half of arc 4 suffers from continuity errors and really badly inserted plot devices (looking at you, fourth cat and hollyleaf). Thanks, I whispered, smiling. She admired them quickly. Because she didnt blame one cat entirely, her mind created the visions to be one kit less with each kill. She suddenly heard someone approaching. Oh Starclan, why did you take our mother from us? Frecklewish hoped that Mapleshade would name one of her kits after Birchface. Mapleshade gives her news to the Clan the next day, and when asked about the father she says only that she's raising the kits alone. He will be part of RiverClan forever! Im Larchkit! If it is for Crimsonwish, Im gonna take it. While Wasppaw was still pinned down by Larchpaw, Petalpaw came out with my mother, Mapleshade. Mapleshade watched them, amused and satisfied. Ravenwing. The kits soon were playfighting with a leaf that spiraled down from the sky. A nearby RiverClan patrol saved her, but to her horror, all three of her kits drowned, with Appledusk blaming her for their deaths. "A fresh fish, straight from the river!". Much, much more lies ahead of us, Tigerclaw. Same thing goes for Hollyleaf. A moon later, she has kits. Then, she kills Appledusk, but is killed by Perchpaw. Out of nowhere, Larchpaw leaped on him and pinned him to the ground, although his claws were sheathed. And, the most unfair thing of all was that Featherwhisker kept Bluestars secret a secret, when the other medicine cat couldnt keep their snout in the right place, resulting in Mapleshades kits death, heartbreak, and grief. Much, much more lies ahead of us, Tigerclaw. Warrior of the Week Gallery #30 - Mapleshade, The Journey So Far: The Place of No Stars. Mapleshade nearly killed Sandstorm, but was stopped by Spottedleaf, the spirit of the former ThunderClan medicine cat. The other bridge was way too far away. I thought I would examine some examples of cats who we know what their lives were like, and why they went to the Dark Forest or not after they died, and show how there seems to be no consistent rule about who goes there. That place is full of weak-willed cowards who clung to the warrior code like ants to a leaf in a puddle. Tigerstar | Thistleclaw | Mapleshade | Goosefeather | Ashfur | Darkstripe | Hollyleaf, RiverClan Later on, Mapleshade delivers two toms and a she-cat and names them Larchkit, Patchkit, and Petalkit, respectively. Petalpaw smiled back. honestly, I'll never understand why Ashfur wasn't in the Dark Forest. Then, maybe it isnt a question about action, but rather about motive. But then the Clans cast her out as a traitorand she vowed to seek her revenge. I shouldnt have been so quick to judge. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [image description: a brown and white tabby cat sits beside ribbon, some is on its head] HIP HIP HOORAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! Crookedstar spent much of his life being swayed by Mapleshade's vengeful spirit, but once he realized the darkness behind her words, he turned away from her and focused on leading his Clan. Again, it is possible that like Ashfur, she felt bad after she died, but I still dont think that its very likely. Petalkit and Larchkit nodded. Oakstar banished Mapleshade, and her troubles became worse when her kits drowned in the river following her attempt to escape to RiverClan. Tigerstar | Brokenstar | Hawkfrost | Thistleclaw | Mapleshade | Darkstripe | Shredtail | Snowtuft | Antpelt | Breezepelt | Clawface | Redwillow | Silverhawk | Juniperclaw | Darktail | Houndleap | Sparrowfeather | Rushtooth | Maggottail, The Kin We needed her! Im tired! Larchkit complained. Mapleshade was a ThunderClan warrior that served under Oakstar's leadership in the forest territories and a Dark Forest member. Mapleshade briefly trained him in his dreams, buteventually didn't bother with him anymore, as she knew he was "already doomedby StarClan". by Riverspirit, Why Hollyleaf CAN NOT be part of the three by Honeypaw. Appledusk refused, but then his new mate, Reedshine, already pregnant, arrived on the scene. Ravenwing, are we going to miss Half-Moon Meeting? I asked, praying to StarClan that we wouldnt miss it. What did Ravenwing want with the runt of her litter? Wasppaw was seething. So what? So, just to reiterate my point: the Dark Forest makes no sense. To be a loner when all you tried to do was love? She then kills Frecklewish using adders. Then Sandstorm chases Mapleshade to the border and comes back. I decide who eats it. He growled indignantly. But its for the best. 5 Cats That Everyone Thinks Deserved to go to the Dark Forest but dont (and one Cat who Absolutely does) by HollyleafTheGreat, Skye [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on!